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Hardrock photos: 1998 set 2

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Buffalo Boy tram
ejr 7-10-98
Looking back from Buffalo boy
ejr 7-10-98
Buffalo Boy Ridge looking north
ejr 7-10-98
Buffalo Boy ridge looking south
ejr 7-10-98
Descending from Buffalo Boy to Maggie Gulch
ejr 7-10-98
Maggie-Pole Creek pass
ejr 7-10-98
Maggie-Pole Creek Pass
ejr 7-10-98
Cataract Lake, on continental divide
ejr 7-10-98
Cataract Lake
ejr 7-10-98
Cataract Falls
ejr 7-10-98
Hans von Willigan in Cottonwood Canyon (after Sherman)
ejr 7-10-98
Above treeline in Boulder Gulch, looking back into Cottonwood Canyon
ejr 7-10-98
Climbing in Boulder Gulch
ejr 7-10-98
Hans on the pitch to Upchuck Ridge
ejr 7-10-98