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The Fringengineer

There are some folks out there who are
"on the edge" or possibly "completely out there"
or have gone "off the deep end" doing
"weird science"
Will leave this open for your interpretation.
The following is an email I received from
a concerned individual who suspected
that the advice he was receiving may
be from the elusive "fringe element".

Subject: wishful thinking or good idea?


        I recently contacted someone about EV components, and he offered
the conversion advice below.  It's an innovative idea, but I'm not sure
whether it's actually a good idea, or whether it's an overly innovative
and less than practical method of EV conversions.

        My spider sense is tingling, and I can't help but think that I
may be dealing with a fringe element.  I want a conversion that works...
but not in a method that would make Goldberg proud.

        Thanks in advance!


The "Advice"

You want to go with the lightest car. Go for the Honda. In the
Honda, Keep the engine...I have designs for four and six cylinder
straight line engines. It's what we call a Drop in Cylinder Retro-fit.
explain later. Keep the Five speed transmission and the Clutch...We need
the Standard drivability of the vehicle.

The Cylinder Refit calls for specially modified Starter Motors that Fit
into the Cylinder bore. The crankshaft has to be cut at the head
journal and the tail journals. A replacement shaft is then welded in
place with large conical gears and Pinion Blocks. The motors have Small
pinion gears and the gear alignments must be accurate before they are
welded in place.
The pinion blocks fit on the shaft so that the gear doesn't migrate away
from assigned Gearlash clearances. Multiple motors use MORE current,
but at the top end, they use less.

I'll explain further and show you how this would work. The car engine
actually requires LESS rework. You just eliminate the head and
Motor control is through multiple Electronic Speed Controllers that are
controlled by a Common Ford Throttle sensing reo-stat. You might have
to use the lower portion of a standard carburator so you have throttle
linkage and an opposite shaft to attach the Throttle Sensor. This set up

works just like any other accellerator....only your're controlling the
motor current not the gas air mixture...You can get an old carburator
from a 1984 Ford 302 engine (Crown Vicroria). It has the mountings for
the sensor already there...just eliminate the heat coil choke assembly.


You can't just pull the Engine and drop in an electric motor. You have to utilize available efficiencies in various ways to make it work. Unfortunately, Electric motors that are available are largely have to design systems that correct or compensate for that efficiency. All of my units were 12 volts DC. We were using Large 1 to 3 hp Daytons and Starter Motors. Most were statically rated at 10000 to 16000 Rpm. "4000 to 6000 gearless reduction". These motors are not available any more and you have to look around for them. If you are planning on using standard Lead Acid batteries...your fighting a losing battle. Your car will weigh about 600 to 1000 lbs more than the empty weight of the vehicle. 8 to 12 batteries. This has been the major problem with these applications. The vehicles are just too heavy to be practical. This is why I stated that there has to be advances in power cell technology before these will be viable. New Generation Motors built an Electric Dodge Ram pickup....It failed. They should have talked to me first...I could have told them. The newer developments "Resonant, Vectored Force Drive " are not on the board at this stage. These are not covered by patents and I'm in the process of building small test models right now. I'll know in a few months whether they will perform adeguately. Hey...I'm a Scientist...Physics is my game...and I'm not afraid to dive into unknown territory. I learn more from my failures than my successes. I've had my share of failures. Banks and Venture Capitalists...don't like failures. They don't like to work for a living can still pay through the nose for gasoline as far as I'm concerned.


I got your letter written on Tuesday concerning Hub Motors. Over the past years McCotter Technologies has removed itself from the manufacturing function and went into strictly research, and development functions. Much of this was due to the lack of market demand and the disappearance of available components. However, I (WE) have learned a number of things over the years which will be of benefit to you. Patents are still in force, and current designs plus new designs are available to you if you wish to pursuit them. I use the term "we" loosely because I recently lost my last partner in this venture. I however, hold all the marbles. If you'll permit me, I'll bring you up on a few facts which I'm sure you have either considered seriously or at least though about. Sunrace Vehicles You mentioned Sunrace vehicles. I have had discussions with Sunrace administrators and the rules committee. The basic concept behind the Sunrace was to develop new solar drive technologies for future transportation applications. The Rules and the vehicles are not only contrary to their goals but represent ZERO technological advance. Finally, after a number of years, they approved larger vehicles for TWO passengers. This was a frustrating encounter. Entrants are basically ignorant to research and development, and they continued to look on the open market for drive systems...THAT DO NOT EXIST. Basically, these are kids that just don't have the research and development drive to make advances that would be necessary. We tried to accomodate them only to run into agruement because we couldn't supply what THEY WANTED. What the wanted, not only was not available but for the most part, violated the current laws of physics. They just couldn't figure out the Laws of Diminishing returns. While some can achieve great real life they are totally impractical. Key here...the only viable solar application is a "Charge While You Park" capability. As far as Automotive Electrical Supply...further research must be done in the areas of Fuel cell, Jel cells and thin film, free form power storage systems. We can discuss this further, later. As I said, Patents are still in force and a Company named New Generation Motors has developed a transmission motor which we (I) believe uses my patent. They tried to patent their motor and transmission but the patent office has continued to turn them down regarding mine. They went ahead with production using Induction motors and they make buyers sign a non-disclosure agreement concerning the Hub motor and it's component operation. I know...I'm a patient man and I intend to deal with them in the future. Current Trends and Hybrids Current trends are in the areas of Hybrid Electrical/Fuel Propulsion designs. While they work, they simply look to suppliment the inefficiencies while ignoring the problems. They should be concentrating on either eliminating the inefficiencies or improving designs. Niether has been addressed with sufficient task or resources. Gearless Transmission and Resonant, Vectored Force Transmission Applications. There are many aspects to our gearless research which may be of interest to you. The key term is gearless. There are a number of functions which we have addressed. These functions are clearly ignored by the electric transportation industry. 1) There are many forces which are produced by electric motors. The primary mode is to employ purely Rotary and torque related output. Within the spectrum of Electrical Motor operation, there are forces such as gyroscopic and Frequency based anomaly which is relatively unexplored. Over the years I have identified a number of these "Vectored" forces which can be translated into torque and rotary applications in a rather sizable proportions. 2) With respect to the basic Gearless Transmission Motor, we have determined that while acceptable, the Direct "Hub" application may not be advisable. One problem is unbalanced revolutionary Precessional forces which can produce anomalistic vibration and shimmy due to uncontrolled Gyroscopic precession not to mention resistance at high speeds. A more advantagous approach whould be a multiple Drive motor application within a geared Differential Axel Unit. In this way, the revolutionary transmission can be shaft or universal joint connection in the case of front wheel steering. In this way, the Size of the motors does not effect the Wheel mounted Mass. Another is the Combined Motor mass and Braking components which will be necessary at the Wheel. Both applications make the total mass of the Drive Wheel Assembly...Unworkable. ------------------------------ Resonant, Vectored Transmission Applications. I'm not going to get into specifics with this, because it is still in the research and development stages...It is NOT Theoretical...In one application we have employed electric motors to produce the Vectored Forces...This application produces both revolution and torque while there is NO DIRECT LINKAGE to the Drive Wheels. All I can tell you is that it is not a magnetic application. This is a New Development. We are also looking into ways of producing the Forces Electronically in a completely Solid-State Conponent..."No Motors"...I know this sounds strange but it can be proved in a simple demonstration. This New Technology has the potential of new advances in new propulsion systems and Wheeless Transportation Vehicles. What I need from you is more explicit information concerning your drive aqpplication. We can talk about voltages and power but what is needed is to design the system around your vehicle...not the other way around. This may take time and Two years is perhaps wishful thinking. Your time base should be expanded because during the course of development, New Discoveries and technologies do emerge...I am speaking from experience here.


Look, it's my opinion that, perhaps, you should forget the project. At best, you should do some work trying to understand Electric motor conversion. HP for electric motors is not the same as "BRAKE HORSEPOWER" for car engines. Electric motors lose efficiency as they slow down under load...some rating are taken No load at full RPM. Look, I have a Dayton Industrial Electric Motor, it weighs "125 LBS" It was used as a motor for a Rock Conveyor at a Gravel Quarry Runs on 220 volts, pulls 20 amps and only turns 1800 RPM...5 Horse Power!" That's all...5 Horse Power! None of the Industrial J or K Frame motors are efficient for your car....What do you intend to use? Do you know how many batteries you would need to run this? Where are you going to sit?...because the car will be FULL of batteries. Forget the weight of the car...It won't even Push the battery weight. I said this before...I have communicated with guys that expect miracles without considering the physics involved. If you expect to go 120 KPH you have got some hard research and development on your hands....IT AIN'T THAT EASY. Wultiple inertial rotary thrust and Mechanical advantage is the key...Not Horse Power. RPM is the prime ingredient...If you don't have RPM capability...try peddles. I'm not here to convince you through arguement. You have to design and learn for yourself. I have work to do and haven't got the time to teach you. Take your time an try to figure it out...Innovation....Innovation. And...It's not written in any book.