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Jobs Currently Available

We are always looking for more people to join and become a site member. I get people now and then, but I am thinking that you do not want to join because you may not know what we have to offer. These are the following jobs up for grabs:

This is a person who does reviews on the latest PlayStation releases or previews on the PlayStation2 games. This is a really simple job. If you are interested in this job, click here and in the comments section, add that you would like to be a Reviewer/Previewer.

Newsletter Writer
I am currently doing the newsletter along with help from ClydeBass9, but doing a newsletter is somewhat difficult because I have never actually done one before. If you think you have the skills and what it takes, click here and in the comments section, add that you would like to be a Newsletter Writer.

I am doing all of the HTML for the the frames site and Eli Raptr is doing all of the HTML for the no frames site. This is the first site that I have ever done and I think it is doing pretty well. If you think that you can do better and make the site look great, click here and in the comments section, add that you would like to be a Webmaster.
