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WWF Warzone

View unlocked characters and modes

At the main menu screen, press L1, R1 to list the hidden characters and modes that have been successfully unlocked. Note: When unlocking the cheats, do not change difficulty settings during the challenge.

Wrestle as RattleSnake

Win the WWF title in challenge mode on the medium or hard difficulty level with a user-created wrestler that has at least 30 attribute points. Then a pumped-up shirtless Steve Austin with jeans will be selectable as a custom character.

Change Stone Cold costumes

Win the WWF title in challenge mode on the medium or hard difficulty level with Stone Cold. Then, highlight Stone Cold on the character selection screen and press L2, R1, or R2 for more costumes, including the black vest and jeans; Austin 3:16 t-shirt and jeans.

Ladies night

Win the WWF title under challenge mode on the medium or hard difficulty level with H H H or Shawn Michaels. Then the "Female" body type will be selectable in creation mode.

New duds

Win the WWF title in challenge mode on the medium or hard difficulty level with Kane. Then additional shirts, jackets, masks, pants, and more clothes will be available in creation mode.

All meters off

Win the WWF title in challenge mode on the medium or hard difficulty level with The Undertaker.

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