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40 Winks

Fill cogs
To Fill Cogs you can be anywhere and enter: Down, R2, L1, Up, and R2

Get all dreamkeys
To get all the Dreamkeys, go to the House Hub and enter: Circle, L1, L2, L1, and L2

Get all winks
To get all winks, go to the House Hub and enter: Left, Down, Right, Right, and Right

Reset Zs
To Reset Zs you can be anywhere and enter: Right, L1, Up, R1, and L1

Reset lives
To Reset Lives you can be anywhere and enter: L1, Up, Right, L2, and Up

Reset moons
To reset moons you can be anywhere and enter: Up, L2, Left, R2, and Left

All winks
Pause the game in the house hub, then hold Select and press Left, Down, Right(3).

Full cogs
Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press Down, R2, L1, Up, R2.

Restore lives
Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press L1, Up, Right, L2, Up.

Restore moons
Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press Up, L2, Left, R2, Left.

Restore Zzz's
Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press Right, L1, Up, R1, L1.

Big head mode
Pause the game at any place, then hold Select and press L1, Up, Right, L2, Up. Release Select, then hold Select again and press L1, Up, Right, L2, Up.