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Title- That's MY wolf, Bitch!

Author-Pony Goddess (e-mail

Rating- PG-13 just to be safe

Disclaimer- Its not mine, yadda yadda yadda (I think you know the drill by now)

Spoilers-there's some in there, I'm too lazy to look up the exact episodes

Distribution- Just e-mail me to let me know-or else

Summery- Oz gets kidnapped, Buffy and Co go to LA to fetch him back, Willow kicks some major ass

Note- This is the first non-comedy story I've done, and I'm not at all sure how its turning out. (I'm not finished yet and Oz has already gone in a different direction then I wanted him too!) Opinions welcomed, flamers be warned- I've got the rifle, I can find the rooftop. Extra note-in my little world Doyle isn't going ANYWHERE, the library is still there, they can still GO there, and I can mess with timelines to my hearts content.


Willow bustled around the room, lighting candles and humming the Dingoes ate My Baby's latest song. After lighting the last white taper, she stood back to survey the effect. The multitude of candles scattered throughout the room cast it in a muted glow, giving the room a romantic Victorian look, which was further enhanced by the red satin sheets (bought on Buffy's advice) that Willow had spread over the couch and chairs. She nodded to herself, pleased. Her parents had left for their trip to the symposium in San Francisco less then an hour ago, but already the benign living room had been turned into Willow's own personal loveshack.

The comparison made her grin, and she involuntarily broke into song.

"Love Shaaack, that's where its aaat....."

Glancing at the clock *Twenty minutes yet, I'm on schedule* she turned and headed for the kitchen, pausing to punch in the Barry Manalow tape that she had once overheard her mother call, 'The ultimate in getting it on music'. Poking her head into the fridge she saw, much to her relief, that her parents hadn't eaten any of the roast beef she had gotten from the local deli. Her mother had a weakness for roast beef sandwiches, and no meat was safe in the Rosenburg house. *Except for pork*, she thought, smiling to herself as she began making finger sandwiches. Anya had assured her that men liked being hand feed by their 'significant others'. Willow was inclined to doubt any dating advice given to her by a man hating ex-demoness, but this made some sense and had been seconded by Amy in her dream last night. The witch rat had been appearing in Will's dreams of late, and her and Willow had been talking about a variety of things, including how to 'catch' a werewolf.

She felt a pang of sadness at the thought of Amy. She couldn't help but think that it was her fault the witch had been turned into a rodent. *But I got her a little exercise wheel, and I buy her the good food pellets. With the hamster in a tuxedo on the front. What else could a girl want?* With a sigh she artfully arranged the sandwiches on a glass platter and carried it into the living room, putting it on the coffee table (also draped in satin).

Another look at the clock made her squeal "Five minutes! Oz'll be her in five minutes!", then dash up the stairs to get ready, silently praying that Oz would be a few minutes late.

The doorbell rang just as Will was putting on the last of her lipstick, and she took a last glance in the mirror, checking to be sure everything looked like it should, before jogging down the stairs to the door. She pulled it open, a brilliant smile on her face, to see Oz, hands in pockets.

"Hi Oz! Right on time, come in. I even made food!"

Oz stood on the porch, slack jawed, as his graze roomed over her body, from the black silk skirt with its thigh high slit, to the skin tight, low cut red silk blouse, up to the silver choker, and Victorian style up-do that she had learned from Buffy . (Xander wasn't the only one that had gained new skills from that Halloween fiasco. Buffy could style hair like nobody's business and ride sidesaddle) Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he spoke.

"Wow" Willow grinned at him. First a Me-ow, now a wow. *I wonder if this grants me vixen status.*

"Are you good Willow, or evil vampire Willow? Cause you look a lot like evil vamp Willow."

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?"

"I'd say good thing. Very good thing. As long as a suntan isn't fatal."

Willow grinned at him again."See? No fangs. Its Willow, the good witch of Emerald City." This got a chuckle from Oz.

"And who does that make me? The Werewolf who needs courage?"

"No, your the wonderful wizard that is Oz. Xander's the Hyena that needs courage. Now follow the brown shag carpet brick road and come in." Oz stepped past her into the house, and stopped again as he took in the changes the living room had undergone.


"You said that already" Willow pointed out.

"I know, its just, well, wow."

Willow giggled and he turned to look at her.

"I'm getting the impression you aren't planning on studying. Psychology anyway."

"Nope, I wasn't"

"What were you planning on doing?"

"Catching a werewolf." A light went on in Oz's head, and he looked at Will with new respect. This wasn't the shy Will he knew. He liked this Willow. He hoped she wasn't a vampire. Cause that would suck, literally and figuratively.

"And how to you plan on catching me?"

"However you want to be caught." Willow purred, in a voice that made Oz suddenly acutely aware of certain body parts. She stepped closer to him, putting them face to face, their bodies nearly touching.

"Are you sure about this Will?" Willow noted with some pride that he was breathing hard now, and his voice had become husky. *Just from looking at me! With clothes on! Wow, I am woman! Hear me roar!*

For an answer she pressed her self against him, twined her fingers in his short hair (blue this week) and pulled him down for a kiss. Oz was surprised at first and made to resist, but Will began to do something ^very^ interesting with her tongue, and rational thought fled like vamps before the Slayer. He slipped his arms around her, and began to caress her back, when the fireworks started. *I didn't think there'd be REAL fireworks*

They pulled away from each other, surprise and worry mirrored in each others faces. Oz jogged to the window and looked out, pushing the drapes aside.

"Oh FUCK!"

Willow looked at him in fear. Oz didn't swear. Even when the mayor ascended Oz hadn't sworn. What was bad enough to make Oz swear? She had a sinking feeling she'd find out shortly.


She didn't think twice, just headed for the back door with the speed of Wonder Woman. As the door began to close behind her she heard breaking glass, and the sound of something growling. She hesitated, afraid to go back and afraid of what Oz might face. *What will getting yourself killed do? Your a witch, not a slayer. So go GET the Slayer!* She headed towards Buffy's house with new resolve and a speed she hadn't known she possessed.


"Good Buffy, now lets try that again, shall we?" Giles asked, once again settling into a defensive poise. Buffy picked herself up of the ground with care, trying to avoid bruises. Giles was damned good with that sword.

"I think tripping is against sword fighting rules" she grumbled as she retrieved her rapier.

"Nothing is against the rules when your fighting for your life, which you will be with a demon."

"How many demons carry swords nowadays? I mean guns, knives, evil spells, but no swords. Never swords. Am I preparing to fight Amish nasties or something? Are they going to takeover the world and force everyone to drive buggies and give up TV and marry their cousins?" Giles lowered the sword and rubbed his temples in his classic 'Why does it always happen to me?' gesture. So much for weapons practice.

"No, no Amish. However, the council has alerted me that an unknown entity has been sighted near here. A new sect of demons that fights with swords, and doesn't die very easily."

"Unknown entity?? I knew it, I've been abducted. I'm on the holodeck of the Enterprise now, aren't I Mr. Spock?"

"Enterprise? Oh, I its just that no one has seen these before."

"So thats why your making me into Joan of Arc? To fight demons noone knows about? Do I get a big white horse too? I've always wanted a big white horse. With spots. A big white horse with spots. And armor............" She trailed off when she noticed the look Giles was giving her.

"OK, I'll stop now."

"Thank you Buffy." Giles sighed to himself and headed for his office to find the memo the council had sent him. Buffy headed for her bag to reapply make-up before heading out. You never knew when you might meet someone cute while patrolling a graveyard. She was applying mascara when the doors burst open and Willow came running in, causing Buffy to jump and give herself a big black unibrow. Muttering choice words to herself she dug around for some wet wipes while Giles calmed Will down.

"Easy now Willow, It's all right now. What happened?"

"OZ! He's in trouble! We were at my house and something came......"

"What came Will?" Buffy said joining the conversation now that she was back to two eyebrows.

"I don't Know! He told me to run and I did, and I went to your house Buffy, but you weren't there, and I came here and now he's probably dead or something."

"Don't worry Will. Oz is a big werewolf, I'm sure he can take care of himself."

"Buffy's right Willow, I'm sure Oz will have no trouble holding off whatever it is until we get there."

"Alright Scooby gang! Into Attack mode!" Buffy yelled, dashing for the weapons locker with Giles following close behind. Willow headed for the phone to call Xander. There was a fight coming up, and when fighting nasty thingies, the more the merrier.


"Daammmmnnn" Xander drawled, surveying the remains of the Rosenburg house.

"I'll have to second that" Buffy added, picking her way through the charred remains. The house hadn't burned completely down, but it had burned enough to be beyond repair. There was an odd smell in the air that was oddly familiar to Buffy, and she waved Giles over to ask him about it, as well as get him to help her look for any sign of where Oz and what the Slayerettes had dubbed 'the magical mystery demon' had run off to. Willow was too distraught to be any help, and Xander was busy fussing over her. It took Buffy and the watcher working together less then a minute to find tracks. Really big paw prints and really, really big bird tracks.

"Well, it looks like either Elmo and Big Bird trashed Will's house, or a chicken foot demon and wolf Oz left together. Chasing each other?" She asked Giles, who was crouched down studying the tracks closely.

"It looks like Oz, in werewolf form left first, with the attacker close behind. That would lead me to believe that the demon was chasing Oz."

"Pretty good for an old Brit"

"America isn't the only country with boy scouts, you know. I happened to earn quite a few merit badges in outdoorsmanship in my day"

"Giles a boy scout? Now there's a thought to make your blood run cold" Xander said as he walked up. "So are we going to follow the tracks, or just look at them all night? I vote for follow."

"And I second that vote. Giles?"

" Of course, we have to get Oz back. I am worried however, about charging headfirst into an adversary we know nothing about."

"Giles, we have enough weapons to take over the former Soviet Union. I think its safe to say that we can kill anything that walks, talks, and pisses us off"

"Well, yes, that is a good point."

"So lets go already!"

"I said alright, what are you waiting for?"

"Because your the only one that can track, O great leader."

"Oh yes, right then. This way." With that they all followed Giles into the night, Buffy and Xander eagerly pushing ahead, with a sobbing Willow bringing up the rear.


Oz woke slowly, consciences returning in bits and pieces. He sat up carefully, avoiding the bruises that literally covered his body. Gingerly shaking his head to clear out the last of the cobwebs cluttering the inside of his skull, he surveyed his new surroundings. The last thing he could remember was telling Willow to run, then a dark shape coming through the window and changing.....that's it, he changed. That explained the lack of memory. Now he was in a warehouse, abandoned from the state of disrepair. Junk and dust coated the floor, and the majority of windows had been broken and boarded over, causing the inside of the building to be cast in shadows. *What is it with evil and abandoned warehouses anyway?* His right ankle was swollen and throbbing, sprained from the look of it. He was forced to baby it, but still gained his feet. For a moment the world spun, but the dizzyness subsided quickly. He shivered, suddenly cold and realized something. He was naked. *Oh great, not only do I not know where I am, I'm naked too. Life gets better with each passing second*

"Oh look, the puppys awake. Can I play with him now?"

Oz froze, wide eyed, afraid to turn around, knowing what was behind him. *Oh God no, no, no no. Please no. Please let me wake up now. Let it be a dream*

"Sorry luv, you'll have to wait.The Slayer'll be mad if we kill the witch's little pet"

"But I want to play!"

"And you'll get too, later. Be a good girl now and you'll get a big present later."

"A good prezzie?"

"Yes luv, a very good prezzie." Drusillia went back to her corner, content now, to tell Miss Edith all about the treat they would get soon. Spike sighed and shook his head, then turned his attention to Oz, walking round to stand in front of him.

"Hello now. You gave us quite a spot of trouble last night. Demon charged me extra, he did, cause of the fight you put up."

"Good. I hope I hurt him."

"What's the matter? Don't remember? Pity, that. You were in fine form. Ripped his bloody throat open." Oz winced. He hated the thought of doing something so base and violent, like he was an animal, not a person. It was a major sore spot with him.

"What are you planning on doing with me?" he asked, staring the vampire in the eye and fighting to keep a quiver out of his voice. Death didn't scare him, nor pain, but the thought of them hurting Willow turned his knees to jelly.

"Don't worry, we aren't planning on killing you. Yet. Your just the bait for the Slayer and her witchy little friend."

"Why do you want Willow? She's never hurt you."

"You don't think I'm really going to have someone running around who can ensoul vamps do you? I mean, think of it! Enough orbs and she'll have us all brooding around like that wanker Angel. Can't have that, now can we?" Oz growled at him, the wolf taking over even though the full moon was hours away.

Spike laughed at him. "Down boy! Bad doggie! Just settle down and behave. You cause too much trouble and I'll let Dru open her present early. She always did have a thing for puppies, especially since Angel nailed her last one to her door." On that cheery note he left, disappearing through a side door that Oz guessed must lead to the sewers, since he doubted Spike would go for a walk in broad daylight. Now if he could just figure out where he was and get some clothes.....


"Well, this sucks" Xander said, summing up the mood of the Scooby gang as they ate pizza at Giles's, trying to figure out where Oz could be. The tracks that had looked so promising earlier had ended about a mile from Willow's house. The only clue they had were some tire tracks that looked to be heading out of Sunnydale.

"Oz" Willow murmured. "My poor Oz."

Buffy, Xander and Giles exchanged looks. Willow was not doing well at all. She sunk deeper into depression with each passing hour. Giles was genuinely worried that she might try something rash if left unattended, and for once Buffy agreed with his caution. It would not be good to have a semi-insane witch running around the Hellmouth. Then the phone rang. There was a mad scramble to find it under the food cartons on the counter, and Buffy grabbed it first.

"Hey, you just called Giles. Buffy here" Out of the corner of her eye she caught Giles rolling his eyes at her and she grinned back at him.



"Umm, Hi. Its been a while, hasn't it."

"Ya, you could say that understatement boy."

"Well, I just called to tell you that Spike and Dru are in town. A friend of mine got word that they'd hired a demon to kidnap someone for them. I wanted to make sure all of you were OK."

"Oz is gone"


"I said, Oz is gone. It looks like he was taken last night. There was a big ole fight, Will's house got burned down and Oz is gone. This demon wouldn't happen to have big chicken feet, would it?"

"Actually, you could describe it that way."

"See you tomorrow then"


"Spike is in La, so is Oz. Therefore I think Buffy should be in La too. Still with me? I'll be there tomorrow with gang in tow. You don't mind me staying with you?"

"Umm, well, I guess not. Do I have a choice?"


"OK then. You have the address?"

"Cordy gave it to Xander"

"See you tomorrow. Bye Buffy"

"Bye Angel" She hung up the phone and turned to face the room. Every eye was trained on her.

"You all heard that?"

"Enough to gather that Spike took Oz and we're going to La to get him back"

"You got it all then. Willows coming for sure, Xander to deal with her. Giles?"

"I have to drive, don't I?"

"Righty you are"

"That settles it then. We leave in the morning. It will probably take us all day to get there, so we can meet up with Angel immediately once we arrive and then go rescue Oz. I suggest you all get a solid nights sleep, then meet here at five. " The slayerettes sighed. Five was waay to early to wake up.


"We're going to have a party, aren't we Miss Edith? What, you want cake? Oh, no, you can't have cake. No cake for Miss Edith!"

Oz sighed. He'd been listening to Drusillia babble to her doll for the last three hours. Much more of this and he'd be as crazy as she was. He wondered when Spike would get back. He shifted his position slightly to ease a cramping muscle. Dru had dragged him into her corner and made him sit on the hard concrete, giving an ominous order of sit or be played with. He didn't like the way she kept looking at him either. Not for the first time, he prayed God for clothes.

"I'm bored Miss Edith." That got his attention. Dru bored was a bad thing.

"But he made me promise not to! What? Oh that is a splendid idea!" Oz shivered as Dru sat the doll down and turned to him.

"My Spike said I can't play with my puppy. But he didn't say I couldn't play with my new doll!" She leaned forward and grabbed his arm.

"Come on dolly, lets play dress up!"

"Dru pet, I'm home!" Spike called as he ducked through a broken window.

"Where are you luv?" He scowled. Dru usually came running. What was up? He headed for her corner.

"Dru where- bloody hell!"

Spike could only stare at the spectacle before him. Oz was sitting on the bed-in a dress. A frilly, lacy pink turn of the century style dress, with newspaper stuffed bosom.. Complete with heels and ribbons in his hair. And his looked like a child had gotten into their Mum's makeup and plastered it all over him. Dru was at her mirror, fussing with her hair.

He started to laugh. Hard.

"Go ahead laugh. I'm glad I could amuse you. Now please make her stop? Please? I don't want to play dollies anymore. This sucks."

Spike laughed harder, tears running down his face.


"Angel! Hello! Where are you already?" *I'm going to throttle him if he shows up* Buffy thought, standing in the middle of his, well, she was thinking living room, but since he was undead he didn't very well live in it did he? To say somewhere lived somewhere did kind of imply they were alive. Dead, undead, or alive, he was supposed to be here. "Angel!" She flopped down on a chair in a huff. Where was he? They had arrived early, so the rest of the Scooby gang had headed out for an early dinner while Buffy went to find Angel. She didn't know what she'd do if she found him, she just had this urge to be with him. *I wonder if he has a radio here. I need Dr. Laura right about now* She glanced at the clock. Five O' clock, still light out. Where the hell did a vampire go when it was still light out? A door opened and closed and Buffy sat up. "Angel?" A women walked into the room. Buffy eyed her critically. Somewhere in her thirties, not as pretty as she was. *I can take her. Where did that thought come from?!* "Hi, I'm Kate. I was looking for Angel, do you know where he is?" "Umm, no I was looking for him myself. I just got into town, I thought he'd be home" For a second neither spoke, studying each other and the unspoken question that hung in the air. Who the hell are you and how do you know Angel? Kate broke the silence first. "I guess I'll wait for him here too." She said, slipping off her jacket and grabbing a chair to sit opposite Buffy. "So how do you know Angel? Where you a client?" Buffy's fists clenched at the other woman's tone. Client? Bitch. "No, actually I'm his girlfriend." *Girlfriend? What made me say that!!* "Oh" It was a simple answer, but Kate's tone spoke volumes. Buffy allowed her self a slight smile. *She shoots, she scores!* Kate wasn't down and out yet. "Why haven't you been around? I never heard Angel talk about you when I visited" *Visited? She's been visiting? He's dead. I'm sending that boy right back to Hell for this one.* "I've been attending college in Sunnydale. I'm afraid we've been forced to make it a long distance relationship." "Oh, poor thing. Those are so hard to make work." *Her too. She's going to Hell right with him. And Parker. I'm gonna have me a big sending to Hell party. Everyone invited.* Angel froze, his hand on the knob. He had just gotten home when he sensed that there was someone already there. Then he heard Buffy and Kate. Buffy's claim as his girlfriend had frozen him in place with shock. The growing animosity in her voice had kept him frozen. "We make it work." Angel's eyes widened. If Buffy had been a vampire he would have wagered good money that she was about to rip the other woman's throat out. He wasn't sure he'd put it past her anyway. He hadn't heard the much viciousness in someone's voice since he last talked to Spike. He'd should probably get in there before they got blood on his new rug. Blood stains were so hard to get out. "Buffy, Kate, what are you two doing here?" He said as he walked into the room, a wide smile plastered on his face. "We were supposed to meet when I got into town, remember sweetie?" Angel narrowly missed going face first into the rug. Sweetie?! "Umm, sorry Buffy. I didn't think you'd get here till later. How can I help you Kate?" "I came to ask you if you've made any progress on the Gottard case, the one I told you about when we had dinner" Angel didn't think talking for a minute while Kate ate leftover takeout Chinese counted as having dinner, but he had no intention of getting in the middle of this catfight. He spared a quick glance at Buffy. Her smile was becoming a snarl and he could have sworn he heard her growling. Kate was tough, but no match for a Slayer. He needed to get her out of here before Buffy hurt her. "Haven't gotten any leads so far, but I'm sure Doyle will find something tonight. Is that it, or was there something else?" A dismissal was clear in the tone of his voice, he hoped Kate got the message. "No...that's it." Kate glared at Buffy while still smiling pleasantly, and left. Angel tried to keep from sighing in relief. He turned to Buffy. "Girlfriend? Sweetie? What game are you playing Buffy?" "Your yelling at me? Who's the one having that bitch visit. And dinner? How dare you!" "I'm a single vampire Buffy, I can have who ever I want over" "No you can't! Your mine dammit!" Buffy regretted the words as soon as they were out of her mouth. *What are you saying? Your over him, a done deal, a free woman!* Angel stared at her like she'd gone crazy. He was afraid to speak. How could she know how much he'd longed to hear those words? But it couldn't be. "No, Buffy. We can't be together. You know that. That's why I left, to keep this from happening." "Oh yeah, I remember. My Dudley Do-right, leaving so that I can have a life. You know what my life's been like? First I almost get killed because I'm so depressed over losing you, then I almost get killed by a demon and lose my soul, you know how? Because no one cared enough to notice it happening. Then I go for a one night stand with some boy and get my god damn heart broken again, then I get turned into a Neanderthal when I go on a drinking binge with some other idiot boys. I don't have a life without you Angel. I will never have kids running around in a white picket fence, and a husband with a nice job. I will always be the Slayer. I can't be normal. The closet I can come to normal would be a damn werewolf, at least there're OK most of the month. I don't want a werewolf. I want a brooding, perpetually depressed souled vampire. I want you." The last words were choked out through tears. She broke down, sobbing uncontrollably, and turned and ran off blindly to the first room she saw. Angel's bedroom. She threw herself on the black silk sheets and buried her head in the pillow, blocking out the world. Angel followed her, but paused in the doorway. Seeing her laying on his bed did things to his heart and body he had been trying to deny for so long. Too long. Softly he padded over to the bed and gathered her in his arms, letting her cry into his shoulder, whispering soothing words. He expected her to cry herself out and leave, or fall asleep. He did not expect her to suddenly grab his head and pull him to her for a passionate kiss, or for her hand to suddenly find its way to his fly. Buffy got the upper hand, and didn't let it go. Angel tried to protest, but Buffy would have none of it and soon he was begging her to never stop, to stay forever. Buffy stopped suddenly, straddling him and holding him down to the bed. "Angel?" "Yes love?" "Promise me something." "Anything" "Never leave me." "I promise. And Buffy? I love you." "I love you too Angel. As long as I live I'll never stop" And then there were no more words, just two lovers desperately making up for lost time. Meanwhile, at Kung Pow Chicken Heaven, down several blocks from Angel's place, the Scooby gang sat clustered at a table, watching in awe as Giles downed his fifth order of Beef Chow main. "Damn G-man, how much are you going to eat? I think the restaurants about out of food." Xander said, amazed at seeing someone eat more then him. "I happen ^munch^ to be very fond ^munch^ of Chinese ^munch^ food" "Your going to make yourself sick, you know that right?" "Am not. Pass the soy sauce, Willow, won't you?" Willow handed him the little ceramic dragon container and resumed staring out the window. She hadn't said two words to anyone since they arrived. All she could think about was Oz, her poor Oz. She spoke suddenly, startling both Giles and Xander. "You think Buffy and Angel will be all right? I mean, no fighting?" "Don't be silly Will" Xander answered. "Buffy knows better then to do anything stupid. At least until we get Oz back" @8@ "What do you think, the red or the blue? I mean, the red looks hot, but the blue really brings out my! I hate hard decisions!" Cordelia gave another twirl in the mirror a go before sinking into the chair in frustration. Doyle gave her a sympathetic smile. "I like the blue, myself." "Red it is!" Cordy scooped the satin up in her arms and headed for the register. Doyle rolled his eyes and followed her. They were supposed to be checking up on a stalking case, but Cordy had spotted a 'Sale' sign in her favorite store and that had been the end of that. With a little encouragement from Doyle they were able to make it out of the store without pausing at any of the other sale racks, despite Cordy's occasional wail of "But it's half off!" Once they made it too the relative safety of the street, he slowed down a bit. "You can be SO mean sometimes." "I'm just looking out for you princess, I mean you don't want Angel mad at you, do you?" "Oh, please! What's vamp-boy going to do? Force me to put up with his brooding? Oh, wait, I do that already." "There's a point in there somewhere." "You bet there is." "After you princess" Cordy glared at him, but hurried through the open door anyway. He could be odd sometimes....but he was cute.... *Stop it Cordy, stop it now! You so don't need another fixer-upper* "Angel! We're hoooommmee!" She plunked her purchase down on her desk and went in search of Angel while Doyle headed for the coffee maker, his 'caffeine radar' having picked up a trace of fresh brew that Cordy hadn't manaed to ruin yet. "Angel?" She stepped out of the elevator puzzled. *Where is he? Hmm....kitchens a definite no, bedroom?* She headed that way, talking before she reached the door. "Angel, I just wanted to tell you we didn't meet with that lady because- Dear God! Ohh no, you two didn't, please tell me you didn't...Wait! What am I doing here! Evil Angel, Evil Angel! DOYLE! Evil Angel!" She ran screaming for the elevator. Buffy cast an amused smile at Angel. "So much for keeping it quiet" "Yeah. I better get to her before she phones the local news" He climbed out of bed and headed towards the shower, while Buffy enjoyed the opportunity to study his cute little behind before doing the same. She paused as she reached the door. "You aren't evil, are you?" "Nope. Willow's curse held fine." "Good. Just checkin'. Like Giles always tells me, can't be too careful." She took a step forward, then froze again as she remembered something. "Uh-oh. Big uh-oh." "What?" "Oz. I forgot about Oz. We were supposed to rescue Oz...oh, about four, five hours ago." "Uh-oh." "Maybe Spike decided to be nice?" "We'd better hurry." "That would be good. Very much good." ~~Flashback 4 hours~~~~~ "OK, that's it. Where the heck is she!" Xander growled. The three stood a block from the warehouse that contained Oz, waiting for Buffy. Willow had come up with a handy tracking spell that had led them too the warehouse, and Giles had promptly called Angel's place. It had bothered him a bit to get the machine, but he was sure Buffy would get it shortly. That had been an hour ago. They were still waiting. "I say we bust on in there, kick some vamp ass and head home for a celebration." "Excellent plan Xander. You go first." Giles said dryly. "Well, I, Uh....OK, so it sucks. Got a better idea?" "If I did, would we be sitting here?" "I dunno, maybe. Your weird like that sometimes." "Idiot" Giles mummerd under his breath. They were all getting just a bit testy. Willow sat up suddenly, catching the two's attention and bring the bickering to a halt. "That's it. My boyfriend is in there, with two really mean vampires who don't mind their manners. If we keep waiting, Oz might be a TV dinner or something! I can't do that! Buffy might not be coming at all, I mean, what if Spike sent his minion thingies to slow her down? He's done that before you know. I say Xander is right! We bust in there and kick some blood sucking butt!" "I really don't think that's wise Willow, Willow? Willow get back here!" "Hey, slow down Willsters!" Willow ignored them and kept jogging towards the warehouse. She was tired of waiting. She was tired of not knowing if Oz was all right. She was tired of depending on other people. She was a witch, she had power. She was really, really pissed off. It was about darn time she used that power. She'd teach those two meanies to mess with Willow Rosenburg's wolf! She reached the door and didn't bother trying the handle, but mumbled a few quick words in Latin and watched in satisfaction as a hurricane force wind whipped up from nowhere to rip the doors off their hinges. A very shocked Spike stood by the doorway, mouth agape. Whatever he had expected, this obviously wasn't it. Willow yelled "You English bastard! How dare you do that to Oz!" Xander and Giles couldn't believe their ears as they caught up with her. Willow call someone a bastard? She started chanting, and began to glow a muted purple. Now Spike may not have been a master of the occult, but any idiot could tell that when a really ticked off person began to glow, it wasn't a good sign. The little witch had her knickers in a twist it looked like, and it was time for him to start doing something about it. He vamped out and threw himself at Willow, fully intending on ripping her throat out. She finished the spell as his feet left the ground, and he was picked up in a sudden vortex, and carried off in a flash of light. "What the hell did you just do!" Xander yelled "Sent him to another dimension so he could chat with evil vamp me." She answered smugly. Willow looked around for Oz, and spotted him. Wearing a dress. Oz wearing a dress, right by.....*Drusilla. That bitch is going down* She started across the floor, rage building with each step. "That's MY wolf you skanky ho bitch! GET YOUR FILTHY DEAD CARCASS AWAY FROM HIM!" Oz stared at her in shock. This was Willow? Drusilla stood equally shocked, but recovered quickly. "You hurt my Spike! You evil witch!" she screamed, rushing towards Willow. Oz lunged for her, tackling her and bringing her down inches from Willow, who was chanting again. "Don't you dare hurt her" Oz growled, feeling the wolf course through him. His skin prickled, and a small voice in the back of his mind told him that something was going very wrong very fast. Pinpricks of pain began to run own his body, and he felt his bones begin to shift. *I'm wolfing out!* He tried to yell at Willow to back off, but all that came out was a strangled howl. "What?? It's not a full moon! What's he doing!" Xander yelled from behind Willow. "Oh dear." Giles mumbled. Drusilla used the opportunity to wiggle out from underneath Oz, but she caught the wolf's attention and he lunged out and caught her neck between his jaws, snapping it easily. That slowed her down, but didn't stop her and she continued struggling, till Willow stepped forward and staked her. Oz Wolf, now fully changed, growled at her, but she held her ground. "I know your in there Oz, and I know you won't hurt me." The growling subsided, and he regarded her calmly. Willow took a cautious step forward, then another when the first failed to spark a reaction. She reached out tentatively, despite Xander's shout of protest, and stroked Oz's head. Oz Wolf closed his eyes and leaned into her. Willow smiled and hugged him, tears running down her face. "I was so afraid I'd lost you, that Spike would kill you or make you a vamp. I couldn't stand the thought of not having you. Oh, God, I sound like some silly B-movie girl" Oz whined and nuzzled her cheek. "I hate to interrupt Sap fest '99, but don't you think we should be leaving before the cops show up or something?" "Xander, amazingly enough, is right. We should be on our way." "All Right" Willow said as she stood up. "Come on Ozzie, lets go." The werewolf followed obediently as Willow led him out of the warehouse and down the block to Giles's car. Xander and Giles followed somewhat nervously behind. After a brief moment of confusion as to the seating arrangements in the car, they headed off to find somewhere to get that celebratory dinner Xander was whining about. @9@ Buffy hurried out of the elevator before the doors were even all the way open, Angel on her heels. She ducked through the office doorway, then found her way blocked by a crossbow wielding Cordelia. Doyle, stake in hand, stood behind her. "Oh no you don't missy. Not until I get answers. And you stay back, evil Angel!" She said, raising the crossbow to aim at Angel's heart as he came up on Buffy. "Easy Cordy, its OK" Buffy soothed. "He's still good Angel. Willow's curse didn't have a sleep-with clause in it, remember?" Cordy looked suspicious, but she lowered the crossbow. Angel sighed in relief. "How do we know your not lying?" Doyle asked. "Do you really think I'd be standing here with Angelus?" "I guess that's reasonable enough" He answered, putting down the stake. "Now move, we have to go rescue-Hi Oz." She said surprised as he walked in. "Hey" "Umm, what's up?" "Nothing. Willow got me out. Scooby gang meeting at Straw Hat pizza going on now, your supposed to come." "Is Giles mad?" "Oh ya." "Darn it. Well, lead on. Coming Cordy, Doyle?" "I guess so" Cordy answered. "Follow me" Oz turned and headed back out. "Buffy! So glad you could join us." "Sorry Giles. I forgot." "How could you?" "Umm...something else came up?" "What something else?" "Well, you get three guesses" Cordy said walking up to the table. "Hint- I found her in bed with vampire boy." "BUFFY!" Giles yelled, rising to his feet. "You slept with dead-boy AGAIN? You should have SO learned your lesson the first time!" Xander yelled along with Giles. She winced. "Things just kinda happened, I didn't mean to miss Oz's rescue." "He's not evil, is he?" Willow asked worriedly. "For the last bloody time, I am NOT evil!"Angel shouted from across the room, where he and Doyle were trying to balance a tray loaded with Buffy and Cordy's pizza as well as drinks for all the gang. "Cordys kinda been giving him a bad time over that " Buffy explained. "You and I are going to have a very long talk when we get back." Giles warned. She sighed. Well, not everything can go right. "So Willow, tell me everything" The End-Or is it? Hmmm..will Buffy and Angel REALLY get back together?? What's up with Oz wolfing out on non-moony days? If you want a sequal, send me lots and lots of feedback :)