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TITLE: Afterthoughts - Sense and Sensitivity

AUTHOR: Isa Bedigian


SUMMARY: Cordelia ponders something

SPOILER: Sense and Sensitivity

DISTRIBUTION: my site, - anyone else, Sure, just email me & lmk where it's going - I like seeing my name in print =)

FEEDBACK: Please, I'd hate to have to Slay for it. =P


DISCLAIMER: Joss and David own these brilliant characters, I do not. I wish I did though, they're alot of fun to play with and frankly, I'd get alot more done if they were around twenty-four-seven.

"Phantom Dennis!" I yelled. "Don't play with my new Steve Maddens."

Slowly, the cork-heeled clogs came back down to the floor without a "thud".

"Thank you," I said sincerely. "Now go away."

Surprisingly, he listened. Maybe we're finally getting along. Regardless, he left, slamming the door to the bedroom as he left. I opened my journal and thought about writing something out. Then I realized Dennis was just going to read it while I wasn't home, so I went for the 90s approach. I pulled out my voice activated tape recorder, made sure a new tape was inside and began recording.

"You know," I started. "I've really had to think like, alot, since this whole business with Kate. She says Doyle likes me? As in wants me?

And I'm pretty sure when she said it, he blushed as red as those stupid shiny socks he always wants to wear.

God, why would he want me?

Wait a minute!

What the Hell am I saying?

I'm Cordelia Chase!

This is supposed to be about me not wanting him! Why should I question him liking me? Any sane guy would!

I'm tall, I'm beautiful, I'm witty *and* I can decorate."

I paused the recorder and looked around at my apartment. It was nicely styled, of course, but there were clothes everywhere, empty pizza boxes stuck in one corner of the room and comp cards and audition scripts littered the floor. It wasn't *that* bad.....

"I can decorate, I'm just not neat," I continued. "So it makes perfect sense that Doyle should like and want me. I'm surprised Angel's never expressed any feelings my way. Damn Buffy. She takes every guy from me, you know that? I hope Doyle never meets her.

Oh my God, did I just say that?

I did.

I expressed possible feelings for Doyle.


I like Doyle, I do. And he has many great qualities.

He has chest hair, which reminds me of my sweet Xander (before he became Male Scum of course) and beautiful eyes, which is something I've always dreamed of. He's sweet and strong and he always notices my shoes and clothes.

I'm just not sure we're meant to be together. I mean, we're totally different people. It's not like he's icky or anything. Now that I think about it, he always smells really nice. It's just....

I don't know what it is."

I clicked the recorder off and tossed it next to me on the couch. Putting my feet up, I sighed.

"That's the problem."

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