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Title: Willows Revenge

Authors: Emilie AngelEyes

Feedback- YES

Distribution- or if you want it *shrug*

Disclaimer- Joss is being mean :o*( we fixed it.

Authors note- I started writing this and AE wanted to join in Neato Huh? Hehe. oh and DIE VERUCA DIE.


Willow let herself into the Dingo's sanctuary house. The door was open, why not? She really wanted to apologize for last night.. not wanting to come to the show and all. She tromped up the stairs to Oz's room and resisted the urge to pick up the clothes and cans strewn all over the stair case. She sees Veruca looking in the mirror vainly. *Boy do I look good.* She thinks to herself.

Willow sees Veruca and asks," What are you doing here?"

"Well I needed a mirror since I usually look very bad. Plus I thought maybe Devon could give me some makeup tips."

"Well you made a very big mistake by coming here." Willow says angrily. She starts the torturing of Veruca by punching her in the face to get the snotty look off of it. Willow hits Veruca and Veruca slams her back into the wall.

"Bitch." She breathes with foul breath into Willows face.

"You should talk." Willow grumbles rapping her fingers around Veruca's throat and squeezing throwing her on the ground.

Veruca gasps,"I cant breathe. I think you wrecked my singing career."

Willow asks,"Have you ever been able to sing?"

Buffy comes in and says," Oh look a wimpy punching bag. Can I help Will?" She punches Veruca in the stomach and pulls out a gun with silver bullets.

"Hmm silver bullets. Werewolf....silverbullets....sounds pretty fun." Willow looked up and growled at Buffy.

"Nope I get this one." she said and gave Veruca's throat one more squeeze then picked up the skanky hoe by the throat and tossed her out of the second story window onto the convenient picket fence

"Oh look its like the hand that rocks the cradle." Buffy said looking down at the bloodied fence. Oz comes in and sees Willow and Buffy looking triumphant.

"What did you two just do?" Buffy and Willow smile at each other.

"Nothing really. I mean we killed an horrible thing but she was taking up our precious air. Made it all foul smelling."

"Your talking about Veruca aren't you? I realized I'm not attracted to her. I love you. It was just the wolfiness of her that made me think I liked her." Willow practically fell into Oz's arms and smiled.

"Good." then she punched him playfully.

"No more werewolf chicks kay? Makes me kill." Oz half smiled at her.

"Yeah, but you kill so cutely." Willow kisses Oz and Buffy says,"Well I gotta go catch that bus to L.A. to check up on Angel. Making sure he's not really falling in love with that skanky police woman Kate."

Willow waves goodbye to Buffy and then continues to kiss Oz

And all was good in the world again. Veruca was dead. Willow and Oz were together.



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