*N STINK Drives Us Crazy!

Hey wuzzup? Our names are Nicole and Christa (stupid cousins) and welcome to our page about why we don't like N' SYNC. We hope you enjoy our stay! Bye! =0)

*Nicole* and ~Christa~


First things first, we don't necessarily hate N SYNC (although that's the easy way we put it) we just wish they weren't famous, or at least they didn't get so much attention to what we believe in not talent and their conceitedness. If they were nice and talented we wouldn't care, even if they were still ugly and all. Also we do not have any death wish. We're just two stupid bored girls making a webpage. Copanni vous? D'accord! Au revoir! =)

If you would like to go to the real *N SYNC page click here!

Click here to see what was last updates and when! :)

::Anti-N Stink Brawl::
This is where you can compete with other N SYNC haters to see who hates them the most! }:)

::Anti-N'Stink Brawl Contestants::
We finally got the contestants page up! Now you can see who is trying to be named The Biggest Anti-Nstink fan! Also, A link will be up to where the winners are posted.

::Why We Hate 'N Stink::
Here you will find our reasons for hatin' those damn N Stinkers

::Gay-ASS Pics::
Absolute REAL pics of N sync actin' like a bunch of gay-ass mothafuckas (wait, they don't gotta act!)

::The Animated Pics/N STINK Connection::
I found these stupid little animated pics on various places in the web and connected them to N STINK.

You get to see all the hatemail we get. Of course we add our replies there. So if you plan to send hatemail, better remember we use it. HEHE!! :P

Some questions about the gay peeps.

A song to the tune of "I Drive Myself Crazy" from N SYNC's P.O.V.

Some games you can play to make fun of *N SYNC!

::Ghetto *N STINK Cowboys::
Based on the song "Ghetto Cowboy" only anti-N Stink style! Rated PG-13!

::Justin Timberlake Sucks::
A lovely lil' poem that was sent to us.

These are all the webrings we are joined to.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Email: nsync2nsane@hotmail.com