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our mission is to use any musical skill we might have to point people who
are searching to the way, the truth and the life. yes, i agree that this
is easier said than done. our philosophy has always been to stay real. we are
real and stay ourselves and we never try to be or claim to be anything
special. the only difference is we have an answer to the pain. many of us
have suffered through the same things. deep down, teenagers across the USA are dying inside
because of a hole in their heart. it is a hole that can't be filled
by relationships, parties, sports, alchohol, or anything else for that matter. it's the reason the
movie "titanic" was a record-breaker at theaters, the reason why millions of teenagers are
having sex, the reason drug use has risen, and the reason why many are in
depression...everyone wants to be loved. loved for who they are - even if that means
making terrible mistakes. the results are unwanted pregnancies, abortions, shootings,
stabbings, and suicides. so this is my challenge to you. stand out, be
yourself - no matter what others may think - and don't bend to the pressure.
conditional love only lasts so long and it really doesn't matter in the end.
the only love that counts in the end is the love of our
Creator who was willing to sacrifice His Son's life in the most brutal
way possible in order to prove a point. that He forgives, He forgets, and
that above all else His love remains...His love never fails.. if that doesn't sound
good to you, i don't know if anything ever will. read Romans 8:38-39 in
the Bible if you ever get the chance. nothing can separate us from God's love.
thanks for taking the time to read this and i pray that God blesses you
beyond your wildest imagination.

in the common faith,
Jeremy Phifer (Nomads)

Nomads and Prison Ministry:

If there are prisons, juvenile detention centers, etc. in the Aberdeen, Maryland area that want us
to come and play a concert and share testimonies or just hang out,
please feel free to contact us by e-mail or at our P.O. Box.

Nomads c/o Phifer
P.O. Box 711
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 21005

Nomads and Ministry through Missions:

I believe one of the greatest impacts upon my life was taking a missions trip
through Europe over the Summer of 2000. I was able to see that the
need for worship leaders, youth workers, pastors, et cetera was overwhelming. The harvest is so ripe
but those willing to answer the call are so few. I am reminded of Praugue, Czech Republic,
where there were hoards of people flocking to listen to a local rock band. rock
music is the door to many people's hearts over in europe (especially eastern europe).
almost every missionary stayed with said that they think if american christian rock bands
(indie or signed) could make mission-oriented tours through europe they would have a huge
audience of open ears and hearts that would be willing to listen to the message of Jesus Christ.
Following is a list of the missionaries I stayed with during my summer missions trip. if you want
to encourage them or ask them further questions about their particular mission field, feel free
to do so. They really appreciate your prayers.

peace be the journey,
Jeremy Phifer (Nomads)

Al & Deela Dyck
Berlin, Germany

Andy Kessnich
Lodz, Poland

Ben Ott (Missionary Kid)
Stuttgart, Germany

Dan & Melody Witwer
Bre, Ireland

Jan Lukl
Kutna Hora, Czech Republic

Tom and Dora Becker
Kutna Hora, Czech Republic

Del and Jeannie Penner
Idar-Oberstein, Germany
