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NK entertainment

Last Updated: April 11, 2002

News Flash: We're Great!
According to recent sources, NK entertainment is hereby reported as "awesome."

Wow! What does all this new stuff do?
NK Films has a catalog of many independent movies as well as downloadable independent movies; not to mention movie reviews.

Movie Review Site is pretty self-explanatory; the same one that can be found at the NK Films site.

Graphic Design has a catalog of all the cool stuff NK entertainment has made over the years and the offer that we can make you any sort of a design that you want at a price you can afford.

Phunnyies 4 Ya! is composed of Microsoft Powerpoint comics that are sure to tickle your stomach.

Providence High is a website sent to us anonymously which we thought had enough humourous merit to be placed here.

Kaif Studios is an internet web, graphic, flash, design company that can make you anything for a very reasonable price.

NWR Enterprises is another site NK entertainment is affiliated with that has a reasonable amount of stuff to do on it.

WECN Archive is the Archive of Will Edmund Cooper's Newsletter that is now discontinued as well as the link to his new humorous site.

There is surely more to come on the way and we hope you enjoy every minute of it!




NK entertainment copyrighted 1999-2002. All rights reserved.
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