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Priscilla Gallery

The first time I saw Priscilla in person was the same day Elvis was filming at NBC Studios in Burbank.  Barbara Brindos and I hiked up a hill in Trousedale Estates to see Elvis' home before going to the studio to watch Elvis tape his 1968 TV Special.  Did you know that tickets were FREE?  All you had to do was write to NBC for them!

Priscilla June 27, 1968

I took this at 10:30 am, we were anxious to get back to Burbank to see Elvis by 6 pm!  We didn't have the guts to ask Priscilla for a ride down the hill.  It was a nice looong walk to the bus stop.

Priscilla and E.P. Enterprises

Since Priscilla runs E.P.E. I'm including two photos from the Trophy Room at Graceland.  Imagine my surprise when I spotted MY photo of Elvis in the exhibit for his jumpsuits.  So where did EPE get my pic??

Strange Actions For A Mom

In 1979 a friend was eating in a Los Angeles restaurant.  Priscilla was there with a date.  She pulled out some photos from her purse and tore them into pieces.  After she left he went to her table and took the pieces.  To his surprise most were baby pictures of Lisa Marie!  There was one of Elvis and 4 of Elvis and Priscilla.  He pieced all the photos back together.  What Mom would tear up pix of her daughter?  Check out Rare Photos for some of these pix.  Priscilla tore the photos, NOT the fan OR me.  I'd never tear up photos of Elvis or Lisa (or Pris).

An uncirculated candid photo of Priscilla.  What finger is that??  I think she's saying "#1".  And no, I did not take this one.