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The Dating Game

Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls, girls.  Elvis loved girls, dating them or just being good ole buddies.  And if they were fans too, well that was even better!

with Ginger Alden (above and below) 1977.  Ginger married an attorney and lives in New York.

Hollywood friends, Natalie Wood and Nick Adams, 1956

An unknown date until just recently when the girl's mother acknowledged she dated Elvis.  Kathy Selph at South Parkway and Elvis Presley Boulevard in Memphis on June 30, 1972. She died a month after this photo was taken, in a car accident.

Elvis kissing long-time date, Memphis girl Anita Wood.  Elvis was dating Anita when he met Priscilla in Germany.

This shot is very unusual taken in a showroom of Elvis in the audience!  Naturally the star of the show introduced Elvis and he stood up for a bow!  That looks like Linda Thompson seated on the left.