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GenCon 2000 was frickin' cool... Where to begin?

Oh, and by the way, sorry if I get some of the game information wrong. I might have confused a couple games with eachother.

I get checked in to the Marquette University dorm room and walk down to the Convention. As I walk through the enterence and slight smile appears on my face as I realise that I am actually at GenCon. While waiting to register on-site I run across Hituro. First Scorpion from the list I met. I later register for Battle at Oblivion's Gate thursday and head back to the Dorm to get some Sleep (I had got up at 3:00 a.m. that morning to catch my flight).

I wake up early around 5:00 in the morning and don't really feel like sleeping for another hour so I fiddle with my decks for a while. Looked around town for a place for a decent breakfast for like an hour and I just settle on Dunkin' Doughnuts :-). I head to the convention center at around 9:30 foolishly thinking that they would begin around 10:00. While waiting in line to check in I run across the second Scorpion from the list, Stephen Murai. I was (and am) very impressed by his shirt and mask that he was wearing. I register, get my banner, get my shirt, and sit down and wait about a couple of hours to get started. I had decided to use the Ruined Taka deck I had posted on the Scorpion list a while ago. Here goes my tournament report:

Mike Kirchgesnor - Lion Clan - Akodo Stronghold
I got an opening breach, den, Jomyako, Twitchy, and a MC. I breach, bring out the den and MC, and ditch the rest. He sees a Morishigi, gold, and some high HR peeps. He gets the Shigi and pitches the rest. On my turn I den, bring out two free holdings and keep a Jomyako. On his turn he lobbies, I command, and then unrequitted love his Shigi. The game was pretty much over at that point. First Blood.

Lee Grace - Lion Clan - Akodo Stronghold
A slight smile crosses my face as I look at his SH (see why Shoju smiles so much?), another Lion, the fortunes appear to be favoring me. This game was so increadably similar to the last game it doesn't require much explanation.

Robert Masheter - Toturi's Army - Otosan Uchi Stronghold
I started the game out very badly. First turn I Imperial Gift for a False Tao and I bring out a Wizard. He gets Troll Raiders and Toku. Next turn I see an all negated event dynasty. With no actions to play or spells to cast I shake my head and draw a card. Next turn he brings out Hantei the 38th. My turn I see two or three more events and a Merchant Caravan. The game continued like this until he took my last province with 10/11 events negated by troll raiders and me being gold screwed. Thank Bayushi that Toturi's Army is being disbanded in gold.

Jeremy Kilburn - Crab - Kaiu Stronghold (At'to'tok)
I remember he started off well and took a province third turn although a plea hurt him badly. My dishonour got working and stalled for time (Rise) long enough for Death of the Ki-Rin. I think I had drew my False Tao that game so that was pretty much game after that.

Sean Adams - Crab - Kaiu Stronghold (At'to'tok)
I think I cut to go first and brought out a Corrupt Geisha House, a Mc, and a Small farm. I kept the ex2 Goshiu. Next turn he sees a Ratling nest and a small Farm. On my turn ATSF (As the Shadow Falls for you non-Scorpions) pops up, and I smile at my two breaches in hand and buy my Goshiu with my CGH (bringing me to -4), I buy my Shidachi with my SH, and leave my Black Market in my province. On his turn he brings out Rat with his nest (loosing him 2 Honour, bringing him to 0) and another pleeb. On my turn I buy a Secrets with my CGH (me at -5 now) I breech twice, and Wind's truth my five points to him, I dishonour his rat, shame him, take the favor with Goshiu and bring out a Den. That was game.

There was some sort of error in reporting after this game (I think the guy at the computer must of screwed up or something) and I was accidentally reported for a loss in the last round. They could not go back and change it with the program they were using so we just decided that if that win would have put my in the top 32 they would place me in there anyways.

Darragh Long - Unicorn - Utaku
I don't remember much of this game other than getting him neg really early. Not much to say with those Unicorn Honour Requirements.

Michael O' Brian - Dragon - Hitomi
Michael cuts to go first and I see a den of spies pop up in his province, and I get a feel for what he is playing (dishonour). The game ends pretty quick as I send him to -20. I didn't feel very good about it, Michael was a really cool guy who flew out from Ireland, and I had just gave him his third loss. Luckilly for him, I think he got one of the random seats on Saturday.

Don Eisele - Pheonix - Sacred Temples
I draw my fate hand and look upon a breach, a DLF (Dark Lord's Favor), and a Shame. He goes first and buys a Seppun Kossori with an Inheritence and bows her for an Empty Crevasse, and does nothing with his SH (bad call for him, he later told me that he had a Wind's Truth in his hand). My turn I get ATSF, two dens and a Merchant. I Breach him bringing him to 1, I DLF Kossori and shame her, bringing the poor Pheonix to -6. The game was over there.

I place in the top 32 at number 13 (placed as the last 7-1 due to the error).

One of the things that was great about making the semi-finals on Thursday meant that I could sleep in on Friday. I woke up around 10:30, took a shower, and walked back down to the convention center. This gave me a chance to see the Dealers room in detail. I picked myself up two LBS Starters for 3 Bucks a piece and like seven or eight LBS boosters for a buck a piece. I also got to meet the Man himself, John Wick. He told me when the one and only reading of the last Kachiko story was, and gave me a white armband with the Scorpion mon on it. To see and hear "No Regrets" was by far the highlight of the event. It was amazing. It was fantastic. It was awesome. There were so many things about the reading which made it what it was, I can't really describe it and do any amount of justice to it.

Afterwards, we listened to Ree's humble words about how the Battle at Oblivion's Gate was progressing. After wishing my Brothers the blessings of Bayushi, I wandered off aimlessly. I didn't really feel like going to the LARP (I had no costume, no pre-registration, and very little motivation for roleplaying), so I ended up watching the final couple of rounds. It turns out that (as we all know now) Jubal managed to qualify after switching to Ruined Fortress. After that, we both go through eachothers decks and give comments and ideas. I think both of our decks ended up getting quite a bit better that night. I ended up spending the rest of the night playing one three way LBS game with my deck versus the two starters I had bought earlier against Scott and another Scorpion (I'm sorry, I forgot your name!).

I end up waking up in just enough time to get my butt down to the semi-finals on time. It again starts late (not quite as bad this time) and we get down to business.

Denis Chagnon - Ratling - Warrens of the Nezumi
This game was really not very difficult or pressured. I tainted his one Ratling nest early with Goshiu and kept him low in honour. I got him down to -20 with three provinces and death of the Ki-Rin out. I do really respect this guy though, his deck was really good givin what his stronghold was.

Jacob Lesgold - Naga - Heart of Shinomen
He got a pretty good draw with a Damesh first turn. My Hidden Emperor knocked off one of his provinces, although, on the next turn, his Return of Fu Leng destroys my Rightmost province contatining Death of the Ki-Rin (False Tao was in my fate hand). I was able to send him pretty low and kill off one of the four Dameshes he got out within the first three-four turns, but it wasn't enough. I didn't draw the Plea of the Peasants or a Martyr, and he crushed my last two provinces while at -18. Close Game. Jacob was a nice guy and skilled player.

Martin Lund - Toturi's Army - Monkey
I don't remember much about the details of this game, other than Death of the Ki-Rin saving my last province and having my Dens work overtime to keep him down in honour. Pretty close game, I won the game, by one turn I think.

Ramon Pena - Junzo - Shadowlands Horde
I played against Junzo. Not much else to say, he beat me like a red headed step-child. Cheers to him for comming all the way from Spain.

Eric Sprinkle - Dragon - Kyuden Hitomi
This was a pretty nifty deck. He had a leaning tower of Pisa fate deck with a trim 40 card Dynasty deck. He had 36 Events, no personalities, 3 Holdings, and one Region (Palace of the Emerald Champion, perhaps?). My Den of Spies worked him to death before he could Doom of the Dark Lord all of my provinces.

Martin Provoost - Unicorn - Utaku
I breached, and I brought out a Den of Spies and Merchant Caravan first turn. He conceded after a few rounds (I killed 2 of the 3 Negative honour requirement personalities in his deck, Moto Tsugi).

It turns out that I make it in the 31st slot, much to my delight. It also turns out that Jubal also made it with a 5-1 record in the 8th slot. And another two Scorpions made it as well, the clan is doing well. I was also happy to hear the a friend of mine from Sacramento made it playing Lion (my second favorite clan).

Afterwards, I walked on over to the Hyatt hotel for the seminar on Gold edition. It was really cool. They handed out a bunch of free Sodas, new sleeves, and a new logo T-Shirt at the end. Gold looks like it will be -really- cool. Finally a balanced, playable, interesting, artistic, and exciting enviroment.

I wake up, get ready, and head directly for the Convention Center. I am hungry, but I really don't have time to eat. When I get there I notice that most people in the finals are discussing their opponent, and I ask how they know. They tell me how to see who you are playing and I look. I am playing Scott Morris.... Scott Morris is one of the samurai who made it with a Ruined Taka deck, and I think the one who placed 3rd or 4th at Origins with that same Ruined Taka deck.... -Great-. I hate mirror games. Oh well, no use fretting over it now.

Scott Morris - Scorpion - Ruined Fortress
I eventually ended up loosing. He played Asami, I didn't. I got him down to -88 though. I think I played my Wasting Disease too early. It gave him a chance to kill my Shugenja before she did more damage. Oh well, I wished him good luck in the subsequent rounds.

Afterwards, I got myself a nasty hot dog and soda, and watched from the sides. I ended up sugjesting to Mindy that she create some sort of prize for the coolest stunt award. I also ended up contributing a little for the Bribe for the Shadowlands player (I could only give one Shrine, that's all I had with me) that he stupidly didn't accept. At least I got my Shrine back. I would like to give a Frickin' huge thanks to all of you who contributed for the Bribe and eventually gave your cards for the clan. Thank you Jubal for showing others that the Scorpion are to be feared.

Well, here is the deck, for all it's worth:

Ruined Fortress of the Scorpion

3 Soshi Jomyako
2 Soshi Bantaro
3 Yogo Shidachi
3 Goblin Wizard
Bayushi Goshiu (ex)
Bayushi Goshiu (ex2)

The Hidden Emperor
Emperor's Peace
Chrysanthemum Festival
Doom of the Dark Lord
Battle At Isawa Palace
Imperial Gift
Kolat Courtiers
Kolat Duplicate
As the Shadow Falls
Death of the Ki-Rin

3 Den of Spies
3 Corrupt Geisha House
2 Black Market
2 Geisha House
3 Small Farm
3 Merchant Caravan

Taka Sensei

3 Rise from the Ashes
2 Force of Will
3 Secrets on the Wind
The Wasting Disease

3 The Wind's Truth

3 Dark Lord's Favor
3 Breach of Etiquette
2 Unrequited Love
Deeds not Words
2 Kolat Assassin
3 Test of Honour
2 Martyr
3 Shame
3 Plea of the Peasants
3 Command of the Kami


The False Tao


-Soshi Uguri, Scorpion Clan Scholar,
Shiro no Soshi,
Colin Freeman

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