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JKC.04 >> Membership Application >> Examination

1. You need to get into a heavily gaurded area. You decide to use the direct approach and go in through the front door. The armed droid guard will not let you pass. Do you:

a. use the Force to 'persuade' him to let you in
b. quickly cut him down with your lightsaber and proceed inside

a. b.

2. During a dramatic lightsaber battle, your opponent strikes an innocent bystander across the midsection with his lightsaber's blade. The person is severely injured. You kneel at the victim's side as the opponent disappears around a corner. You need to figure out what your next move is.

a. stay at the victim's side
b. leave the victim and pursue your opponent before he slaughters more innocent victims.
c. kill the victim who is surely to die due to the severity of his injuries, and then pursue your opponent.

a. b. c.

3. You are replaying the day's events in your head as you walk through a shaded area. You happen to glance at a nearby spider's web and notice a struggling moth caught within. Your eyes then focus on the spider advancing towards the moth. Do you:

a. rescue the moth from the spider's web
b. let the moth be, and let nature take it's course
c. save the moth and destroy the spider's web

a. b. c.

4. You are under the tutelage of a Jedi Master. During an exercise, you show him/her a maneuver you have been practicing all week. Nodding his/her head, the Jedi Master says 'it will not work in combat'.

a. challenge your mentor, hoping to prove that the maneuver will work in a real-life situation
b. accept the advice and disregard the new technique
c. practice to improve the technique, so that it could be of use in battle

a. b. c.

5. You are searching the street for an ally you are to be meeting. To your left, some street urchins are teaming up against one unfortunate off-worlder.
Using your skills, you could easily defeat them. You have only moments to act on your instinct.

a. attack them mercilessly and slay them for preying on the innocent
b. protect the victim then run with him to safety
c. leave and let someone else interupt the situation

a. b. c.

6. Why do you wish to become a member of The Jedi Knights of Canada?

7. Do you feel you would be a terrific asset to The Jedi Knights of Canada? Why?

The Qualities of a Jedi

These are five qualities taken from a blend of certain Taoist and Confucionist principles. We believe they apply equally to the Jedi path. They are not so much goals to be pursued as they are natural states that should arise within.

i. Human-heartedness: the display of human qualities at their best. A deep feeling of humanity towards others and respect for yourself. The ability to be curteous, selfless and gifted with empathy.

ii. Superior Attitude: to be fully adequate and poised at all times. to be so comfortable with one's self and life, that one can turn their attention to putting others at ease. Motivated not by what you can get, but by how you can serve.

iii. Propriety: doing things as they should be done, according to tradition. Tradition allows a stable base from which to approach any situation. This is also why we support Jedi unity. Unity establishes tradition. Before a base is able to support you, you must construct it.

iv. Moral Power: to be honest, honourable, and to lead by example. Not to tell others what they should do, but show them a way they want to follow because they respect your morals, and see that you practice what you preach.

v. Creative Quietude: the ability to be at peace with whatever is going on. The ability to engage in any level of activity, or no activity at all, and not lose your inner peace.

Do you feel you possess at least three (3) of the afore-mentioned qualities? If so, please indicate below.

Human-heartedness Superior Attitude Propriety
Moral Power Creative Quietude

JKC.04 >> Membership Application >> Personal Information



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