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Illustration Gallery

"The more masks I remove, the more woman I become."- Bubble Gum Crisis


Works by Crystal Dragon:



 Lila (slightly modified by Alex)*
Yes, the Lila from Alex and my fanfic, "Sprites, Fairies, and... Love?" and "Building your Love". Here's Lila in her solid form, pupils and all (j/k).

It's Shaharazad from the same fanfic Lila is from. This fighsty young woman is just about ready to take out her sword.

Prologue pic*
I'm so attached the that fanfic. Anywho, here's Ash (and Misty in the bottom left corner) in the prologue of that AAMRN Alex and I are writing. Please, Ash, tell us what you're thinking...  

Watching the Sunset*
Ash and Misty cuddle up together as they watch the sunset go down. Hehe, I did this on watercolor, then scanned it.  

Watching the Sunset (modified)*
Well, I may not be so hot with comp. art, but I just touched this up on PSP. You like?  

Ash is Serious?*
This must be one of those *REALLY* rare poses of Ash. I wonder what could get him so angry... 

Okay, I just felt like drawing her- so sue me. I admit, her face is long, and her ears are kind of low, but I tried my best. Well, her hair is okay, né?  

Anthropomorphic Articuno*
 I sometimes enjoy drawing anthropomorphic pokemon, and this is the anthro-articuno I drew. Geeze, that look on her face reminds me of Sabrina...  

Anthropomorphic Hitmonchan*  
And people would think all of them would be girls... anywho, my thought of an anthro-hitmonchan. Bring him to the stadium to become AP1 (Anthro Pokemon #1)!

Anthropomorphic Haunter*
 Okay, I wasn't sure what gender haunter would be, and thought "okay, it looks like a guy to me" which is why I went topsy-turvy and it's a female instead.  

Anthropomorphic Hitmonlee*  
Again, I went to the opposite gender for this pokemon, unless she looks like a boy anyway.

   Quarantine (happy ending) scene*
 If you read the fanfic "Quarantine" with the happy ending, you'll see the a scene from it with the dialog at the bottom, to know exactly when it was.  

Quarantine (sad ending) scene*  
The complete opposite of what happened in the happy ending. Misty is about to die and Ash can't stop crying about it. Again, the dialog is at the bottom. Just to let you know, by seeing these pics, you'll get a better idea of what they looked like in my dream (not to mention a glimpse of what my house and bedroom looks like)!  

Yup, it's Duplica alright. She's easier to draw then you'd think! ^-^  

Ash and Misty kissing*  
I know; it looks like they're about to..... you know, but they AREN'T, to inform all you hentai freaks that is going to see/saw this pic.  

You'll see her in Battle of the Elements II. She is Misty, but the older version of her.  

A few versions of Misty*  
Why do I draw her so much? I guess because she's just so easy (for me at least). Anyway, here are some different versions of her... there's her in a sort of manga-type, her from my fanfic, her from... something I don't know, her in a kimono...  

Anthropomorphic Pidgey*  
Yup- I'm back to drawing the furries again. Now, don't think I was inspired by that "Pokemon Girls" site- if you would look, the furries are more like humans dressed up as pokemon, or only have very little pokemon characteristics. Well, enough of my babbling- this is no fanfiction area!  

Anthropomorphic Goldeen*  
A different anthro-goldeen, but it was under request so this is specifically an Emma-goldeen.  

Anthropomorphic Rapidash*
Not really the best...  

Modified Anthropomorphic Rapidash*
A little better...  

Anthropomorphic Butterfree*
Pretty, no?  

Modified Anthropomorphic Butterfree*
Better, no?  

Anthropomorphic Sandshew*
No comment...  

Modified Anthropomorphic Sandshew*
So what am I supposed to say?  

Anthropomorphic Pikachu*
Now how did I come to make this one?  

Modified Anthropomorphic Pikachu*
There she is again...

Anthropomorphic Dragonite*
Look at that fluffy hair... what kind of an artist am I becoming?  

Anthropomorphic Poliwrath*
I will pump (claps hands) you up!  

Anthropomorphic Nidorina*
Help me, Prince Charming!  

Anthropomorphic Mew*
C'mon! Let's go to PINKY LAND!!!  

Anthropomorphic Dragonair*
Okay, this one is MUCH better than the first one. Now I don't look like some 7-year old!  

Modified Anthropomorphic Dragonair*
Alexandria laughed when I said it was supposed to be me... what is it the hair again? Does it look too long and too fluffy?  

Anthropomorphic Chansey*
Complete with a primitive Nurse Joy costume and the power to heal!  

Anthropomorphic Staryu*
Make her do a headbutt and you'll know the enemy's down with a one-hit KO!  

Anthropomorphic Magikarp*
An anthropomprphic magikarp... a.k.a. weakling.  

Modified Anthropomorphic Magikarp*
A modified anthropomorphic magikarp... a.k.a. colored weakling.  

Anthropomorphic Dewgong*
Found this Anthropomorphic Dewgong on a different site (it was so disorganized- too much html showing and I could barely tell what the name of the site was! It was almost the only pic able to be seen) and then, after getting a request from Emma, I drew it in the same position, but colored and with different hair so it looks like her ^_^  

Anthropomorphic Farfetch'd*
Inspired by the episode "A Way Off, Day Off".  

Anthropomorphic Blacky*
Actually, it's me as blacky. If you don't know what blacky is, it's the "evil" evolved form of eevee, and it will appear in the g/s versions of pokemon. I just loooooove evil pokemon! ^-^  

Anthropomorphic Venusaur*
It takes after Alexandria since this is her favorite pokemon.  

Anthropomorphic Magneton*
Requested by Kosh Sabrina- it looks like the two bottom ones are fighting each other, no?  

Anthropomorphic Raichu- version one*
I should have made better clothes.....  

Anthropomorphic Raichu- version two*
Sort of a more fighsty version than the last. Fight me, or are you chicken?!

Anthropomorphic Raichu- version three*
I've got drumsticks and I'm not afraid to use them... err, on the.. drums.... most likely the snare drums...  

Anthropomorphic Oddish*
What's the thing growing out of her head? Is she an alien? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!  

Anthropomorphic Gloom*
Kusaihana! She stinks!  

Anthropomorphic Vilplume*
Honey, put down the pokéflute.
But Mommy...!  

Anthropomorphic Starmie*
This backpack's too big, don't you think?

 Works by Jenny:



Works by Pikachu_electricity:  


Ash and Pikachu pics*  
Here are some really cool pics that Pikachu_electricity made of Ash and Pikachu! (Sorry, half an inch was cut off- you can flame me if you want, since I'm the one who was scanning these)  

It's so cute!  

Mew, Vulpix, and Jigglypuff*  
Three of some of the most cutest pokemon in the world. Who wouldn't know them?

Works by ??? 


 Water/Sky Dragon Photo*  
Okay, this is actually a photo of a sculpture of a water dragon by Michael Whelan. If you have read "Clone Trouble" you'd notice the dragon Misty encountered looks exactly like this, but much, much, bigger. It's really a sky Dragon, but in the fanfict, I decided to make it water.  

Thunder/Water Dragon photo*
 The sculptor meant it to be a sky dragon, but I changed it to fit my fanfic and made it a thunder dragon instead. Remember, these are just photos that I scanned. It's really a water dragon, but... not to me!


Works by June:


Young Leila

Works by Alex:  


I must admit, it's not the best. Oh well...  

Mystery Girl*  
Who is this girl, screaming her head off? Well, I really don't know- it's just something that popped into my head.  

Well, this isn't just your ordinary Ash and Misty kiss. The pic takes place someplace around the third/ or fourth (depends on how it goes) chapter for Crystal Dragon and my fic ("Sprites, Fairies, and... Love?"). Misty has some scales, showing her power of water, while Ash has the lightning bolt scars on his cheeks to show his power of thunder. Just don't look at this if you say "Eeewww..." to every picture of somebody kissing ^-^. 

 Misty using her defensive skills*  
"Clone Trouble's" scene takes the piece here! Misty creates a shield of ice to protect Ash from getting rammed by that awefull monster. 

 C. Dragon with a pokeball*  
Well, while C.D. was furiously typing at a story we're working on, I was making a little pic of her. When she saw this, her exact words were "Alex, it's a nice pic, but you don't have to tell the whole world I'm really as scrawny as Misty." Eheheh. Well, gotta go before C.D. attacks!  

A close up of an SD Misty*A close up of an SD Ash*  
I think the title explains it all on this one. These two pics actually go together- meaning Ash and Misty are looking at each other... They're blushing... a lot..... They're gonna kiss!  

The thunder and water dragons with Ash and Misty kissing*  
Weird title... *ahem* well, I think I can't explain the pic that well, but I can say it took a lot of copy and pasting for this. :P  

Mistress Kasumi and her guardian*  
Too many self-
explanatory titles...    

What Mistress Kasumi looks like when the Sun is up*  
I don't even need a description!  

A close up of an SD Jessie*

A close up of an SD James*  
Yup... they go together. (They're gonna kiss, they're gonna kiss, they're gonna kiss...) 

 Ash being kissed by Misty*  
You can't tell weather Ash is smiling, being embarrassed, or just not liking it. But one thing's for sure! Ash is blushing!!! ^_^;;  

Well, not exactly the best pose I've put her in...  

Half her legs were cut off! I drew her too big!  

Alert! Alert! I sensed something! Hehe.  

Yup, you now know what Neia looks like (sorta).  

Okay, This isn't what I'd look like in a photo or anything, but it is if I were an anime character! I tried my best on MS Paint, so don't complain how it looks too simple or stuff (grrr, MS Paint.... PSP IS MUCH BETTER!!!!)  

As again, a pic from C.D. and my AAMRN series. This is most likely in Battle of the Elements II, but you can't tell if she looks 11 or 20, but probably right in the middle, hence the fact there is no flashback scene (yet?).

Files names marked with "*" are working, SO HURRY UP AND DOWNLOAD 'EM!!


Let's let our eyes rest and go home