F u r r y   H a v e n   H o m e

Steeleheart's Home For Wayward Furs
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A little about Furry Haven:


Furry Haven was started in early 1999 as a way for those furs who are having problems with roommates, or family because of their orientation or other difficulties, to find a place to live and a resource to find a jobs.  Furry Haven was founded and is run by GriffithSteeleheartBuran.  It is funded by the furs living in the house, and is also supported by sales of furry products on-line (coming soon), sales of these products assist in the running of the house and other operations of Furry Haven.  The balance of the proceeds is donated to organizations that promote the saving of animals and the broadening of the awareness of ‘furry culture’.  One of these organizations is Anthropomorphic Arts & Education (AAE).  AAE contributes to many organizations that promote the saving of animals,  and supports Further Confusion a convention held in the bay area of California, in January.

Furry haven will also be providing ISP service and webspace at no cost to furs.  We also plan on offering a place for authors and artists to archive their works and websites that are featured on other sites such as Furnation, Yerf and the like.  Now we do not intend, imply or in any other way insinuate the want or desire to take the place of sites like Furnation, Yerf, YiffCo and other sites, we are just allowing artists and authors to have a place to archive their material… This is an archive not a publicly accessible website, the archive is compressed and stored on our systems completely off-line.  For those artists and authors that subscribe to this service can have their websites archived in one of two ways.  Send us the website and all related materials or we can do it for you.  Now this archiving is not free but the cost of it is based on many factors: size of archive, frequency of archival, method of archival retrieval, and other factors based on the individual fur involved (payment may be made in trade for services from the individual, contact me for your individual analysis).


12/29/05 – Update…. The realization of Furry Haven has taken a bit longer than expected…. But it is still a dream… and hopefully soon a reality.


A Little about Griffith 'Steeleheart' Buran: a pic is here


I am a Wolger. Now you may ask 'What the heck is a Wolger?' Well a wolger is a combination of a wolf and tiger. I have a combination of attributes of a wolf and tiger, I can be described pretty easily take a white wolf morph and add the characteristics of a white Siberian Tiger to the mix. My physical description is 6' 3", 280lbs., medium to large build, the muzzle is about 75% tiger and 25% wolf, white fur with a ghosting of black tiger stripes, paws are those of a tiger, the ears are a merge between a tiger and wolf, the overall build is that of a tiger, but with some characteristics of a wolf.

For more information and a bit of history go here.

Here is a link to my resume (Please contact me at steele_buran at hotmail.com (reformat as necessary) for a current version, or get it here PDF or in DOC formats. ) Yes I am looking for a job iRL.


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Email: steeleheart@netzero.net

Last Updated: 07/10/06 : 2033 hours