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The Zine Contents

Here it is . . . the Start of the 'Zine.
Im going to incorperate a lot of diversity here.
I want it to have many sides of the spectrum, to appeal to all.
I have recieved comments and suggestions for like a message board or something like that on topics that are important to them. unfortunatly~ I am not good with computers on that level~ so . . .. I had to emprovise. If you e-mail your thoughts to be posted~ I will get them up. I have deciced that Ill be a slave to this thing for a while~ and hopefully Ill find something that will help me get a message board up. Here are the start of topics~ feel free to join in.

Why is there braille on ATM???

Have you suffered from panic/anxiety attacks???

Basic Ramblings

I will have a snowobarding slot, a punk music colum, a review on movies and shows seen lately as well as whats happening in Richmond. Granted~ it will be just a bit local to Richmond, but hey~ what can I say~ This is where I live.
If you have reviews of your own~ or things you would like to see~ E-mail me and Ill do it.

AOL~ Instant Messenger: Redsapphire928
ICQ: milo66


Braille on ATM???
page home
Ramblings . . .
Panic Attacks~ do you have them too???
