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Stupid Quotes

Some kind of stupid quotes. There is no real underlying theme here, except maybe ecrasez l'infame. Hope you enjoy (or at least don't get disgusted and leave after the first three.)

Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains -Rousseau

A mask tells us more than a face -Oscar Wilde

Never thought I'd go this much higher/Never thought you'd fuck with my brain/Never thought all this would expire/Never thought you'd go break the chain -Placebo

No matter how high the praise, there's nothing worse than sharing honors with the universe -Moliere

The wisest fall obscenely when they glorify obscene advice with rhetoric -Sophocles

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct his to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently -Nietzche

What do you say to a man who tells you he's going to kill you because his god told him to? -Voltaire

Beauty is the password to immortality: by creating a thing of beauty we conquer death -Plato

The unexamined life is not worth living -Socrates

I disagree with everything you have said, but will defend to the death your right to say it -Voltaire

You can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings, you can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything -Nine Inch Nails

It never stays the same, so why does it hurt me so when you say that I've changed -The Cure

Stubornness brands you for stupidity-pride is a crime -Sophocles

Riot shields voodoo economics It's just business Cattle prods and the IMF I hope I can rely on your vote -Radiohead

Is man one of god's blunders, or is god one of man's? -Nietzche

I am not infallible, despite what many may believe. If I have missed any other really good ones (really good, I do not appreciate getting junk mail, and I have a nasty temper) please e-mail me