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Prop. 22

Proetection of Marriage Act
March 7, 2000 Primary Ballot

California votes to protect marriage! Prop. 22 passed by a huge majority, and it received a majority support from accross racial lines!

Our support of this initiative was based on the belief that California's definition of marriage should be decided by Californians -- and not the legislature of another state. This measure is not only a defense of marriage, but a defense of democracy.

While the government shouldn't discriminate because of sexual orientation/preference -- it should not force people to condone it. People have the right to dissent and the government has no right to force a belief, or prohibit a belief.

The offical web-site states what this proposition does, and does not, do quite simply:

"Californians understand the difference between respecting a person’s right to same-sex relationships and endorsing same-sex marriages. A "YES" vote on Proposition 22 means that people will continue to have the right to live as they choose, but not to re-define marriage for our entire society.

"A "YES" vote for the Protection of Marriage Initiative sends a clear and positive message to California’s children about the future of families: Marriage should be preserved for what it is: An irreplaceable union between a man and a woman.

"Decisions affecting California should be voted on by Californians. A "YES" vote on Proposition 22 means that voters in California will preserve our right to decide the definition of marriage in California. 30 states and the federal government have passed their own Protection of Marriage laws. Proposition 22 gives California the same opportunity to decide for itself what the definition of marriage should be, without interference from judges in other states.

"Tolerance and respect for people with different beliefs are not just words, but real life values. A fair-minded person’s exercise of freedom of conscience in support of traditional marriage is not hatred, bigotry, discrimination or extremism towards any person or their family, but affirms the irreplaceable role of marriage between men and women in our society. "

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