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If you’ve read ‘X’ (also by CLAMP for those who may not be aware), quite a few crossovers tend to occur in it. CLAMP seems to live for crossovers sometimes, ne?

Anyhoo, in X, two of CLAMP’s older works, the fantastic ‘Tokyo Babylon’ and the cute ‘Clamp Campus Detectives’, both return to the manga world. ‘Tokyo Babylon’ plays a big part of the plot (Seishirou being a Dragon of Earth and Subaru a Dragon of Heaven) and even the ‘kids’ from CCD do their part. Nokoru, who is all grown up and now chairman of Clamp School with Suoh and Akira assisting him, tells Kamui that Clamp School was actually built for the specific purpose to hide and protect Kamui’s Holy Sword until the Final Battle in 1999.

And what does any of this have to do with Dukylon? Not a whole lot, to be honest -_-;;; Dukylon probably doesn’t appear in X because they don’t have much of a real purpose anymore. Their jobs were to protect Clamp School from evil, however, the evil in X is not anywhere nearly as corny as what Dukylon is used to. (I’m having a real tough time keeping a straight face when thinking about Kentarou telling Seishirou that he’s going to smash him for being evil.) So Kentarou and Takeshi are just a tad out of their league.

But don’t worry, these two aren’t completely useless to X’s story line! If it wasn’t for them, there might not be a place to hide the Holy Sword. And that would be very bad for Kamui ^_^ So yes, Dukylon has done their part to save humanity. I’ll be they’re proud.

Now if only we could find out if Kentarou ever got Takeshi to marry him....

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