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The horse surgery. It has that superhero Nick quality to it, and it also involves Dan learning that reading is essential....and learning it from Nick at that!

Serious/Character Defining


Jo says goodbye to Penny. Granted, it's just a horse, but it's so much more than that to Jo. And after loosing her husband a short while ago, and Marcus, she DOESN'T need to loose another loved one. Nick listens, clearly heartbroken, and then he decides to help her. But she just seems so defeated in this scene, like she's asking, "and how many more loved ones will I loose?"



Pretty Kitty wins! What does that say? After that question, we knew we were in for trouble. The looks on Nick's face say it all! And BOY were they funny looks!!!!



The HUG!! Aww, not only did he save her horse and probably restore her hope, he also made her a cute little name plaque for the horse. Now that deserves a hug!!



Now you understand. It was such a grand-all-together moment when Nick returned Penny. And the children got to see great kindness and friendship close at hand. (Which is why I don't get why the stupid town people have such a problem with Nick and Jo living in the same place. They are able to show the kids first hand what it means to deeply care for someone, and great kindness!)



Franz, and his lessons. When Franz yells at the kids for making it into a contest, he's not really angry. He's so disappionted. He just wants to let the children see kindness, and he's upset that they can't think of anyone but themselves. But at the end, he seems pleased that they can see at least one person who did something totally selfless!

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