Maralyn alias "Mers" 

birthdate:  July 11, 1981 at around 6am

Occupation:  full time student & dedicated gf to my mahal, Lloyd

Interests: western art, travel, culture, dancing, cooking

    color - you're reading it!
    movie - Before Sunrise
    anime - Tenchi-Muyo, Sailor Moon!
    author - John Grisham
    books - The Joy Luck Club, The Rainmaker, Pride & Prejudice and many more!
    poet - Elizabeth B. Browning

Guilty pleasures:  chocolate, procrastination, spending

pet peeves:  labeling, fakes, wasting of natural resources

notable quotes:
    "The road of a thousand miles starts with a single step."  ~Chinese proverb 
    "Recycle Reuse Reduce!!"~origin unknown
    "Es ist geeeeeeeil ein a---se zu sein!" ~L.C

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