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Chrissy's Racing Green

(if you don't believe me, start reading, nyuk nyuk!)
and be SURE to check out the NEW BLOG: Chrissy's Racing Green!

In my humble opinion,
the majority of personal horse racing websites out there on the Web are either outdated (not at ALL like this one!!) or out to sell racing tips, and those plus a dime won't even buy you a cup of non-Starbucks coffee these days!

So out of the goodness of my heart, I created this page, way back in 2001, for MYSELF (nyuk nyuk!). It's got links to all the local (Southern California) racetracks, plus a few of the biggies out in the rest of the world!

I check these links frequently (well, every few years!) to make sure you won't get any of those "404 Page Not Found" messages which, I don't know about you, but they drive ME nuts, not that I have that far to go, as my mother always helpfully points out.

So if you're one of those people who would rather stay home in your air-conditioned condo and listen to the track calls through your expensive entertainment center, instead of sweating it out with those of us who prefer the smell of horse manure down at Hollywood Park or trying (in vain) to spot Tim Conway Junior, or Senior, at Santa Anita - then this is the page you want to bookmark!

FEBRUARY 26, 2013 - That's right babies, it's time for my mid-decade update! I just went through the links, fixed the broken ones, added some new ones, and oh yeah, had to jump through all sorts of hoops to try and remember what my password was and which email I used to set this up! Wow, life is complicated here in the teens, ain't it?

Anyway, I'M BACK - and I'm placing all my bets now through, which (not so surprisingly) has NOT paid for this free advertising! Go figure

GO HORSIES GO! (My new slogan - whaddya think?)

Oh well - see you in 2018???

MEANWHILE - check out the NEW SITE - in blog format - at Chrissy's Racing Green!!

May 3, 2008 - Uh ... yeah, I realize it's been (ahem) a little while since I updated this page ... just a few ... um -- YEARS??? Good gravy!

Well, in my defense, I have kept my promise and checked up on these links regularly, and they all still seem to work just fine. So tough darts, Internet! I'm still here!

Anyway, about today's Derby - the saddest Derby I've seen since - well - since last year. Doesn't it kinda seem like every Derby for the past several years has resulted in the death or at least serious injury of one of the horses? This year was no exception, and my heart goes out to poor Eight Belles, and to her human family.

(I hear Hilary Clinton was a big supporter - wonder if this is an omen?

Anyway, thanks to the 3 of you who've continued to keep me bookmarked! I appreciate it! Hey, tell your friends - Chrissy's Racing Green is BACK, baby!

December 30, 2002-- Hey, some schmuck claiming to represent a well-known jockey wrote to me a few months ago offering to send me a free autographed copy of his new autobiography, if I'd plug it on my page. Well, gee whiz, I know I'm the impatient type but it has been a while and so far, no book! So sorry, Gary -- you'll just have to do without the major exposure you woulda had on my super-popular site! No soup for you!

Meanwhile, here's what you came to find: the links!

Hollywood Park, my favorite seedy casino.
Santa Anita, perhaps the most beautiful racetrack in the world!
Los Alamitos, in scenic Orange County, California.
Del Mar, where the turf meets the surf.
Fairplex in Pomona
Turf Paradise, in Phoenix, Arizona, where my dad uses his System, which works about as well as mine (see Saratoga, below).
Churchill Downs - home of the greatest horse racing event of the year, THE KENTUCKY DERBY!!!
Saratoga - Not only a great track, but a terrific name for a horse. Always bet on a horse named Saratoga. Even if you lose, you'll feel, well, sorta classy inside.
The California Thoroughbred Racing Association!
Get the Daily Racing Form online!
When it stops being fun, click here and get some help!
Check out my other sites: Chrissy's Postcard Page;
... Theist Gal;
and Women Who Run With the Stooges - my masterpiece!

Thanks for visiting my web page at Angelfire! Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. (And if you win anything, I get half!)

In Association with buy/sell used books, music, movies,games
