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A Trip to the Coldest Place in the World...

This is a quick, QUICK run through my trip to Edinburgh (sorry about the lack of detail): First off, it's COLD. We got in on a Friday afternoon, and it was already raining. SO, we stopped in at the first pub we found, and had some really excellent Scottish beer - it is fruity, like someone dropped grape and apple juice in it, and has quite a way of making you just want to gulp it down by the bottle like Gatorade. Then, I ran to meet Elizabeth, and we set off to drop my stuff off at her dorm.

Her dorm is a converted girls school; her flat used to be a classroom or something, and was divided up quite nicely into rooms and a kitchen, much nicer than what we have here. She has an amazing view of the castle, the Firth of Forth, and the city. We strolled around the university, did some web design stuff, got some Thai food, and then hit up the books for an early night.

The second day was more eventful. Rested, Elizabeth and I went to walk around the city and go shopping; after that, we went on a spontaneous stroll around Edinburgh, seeing sites, and ending up in a dope Italian cafe eating Scottish shortbread. Then, we ran back, cooked up some stir fry, and got dressed up to go to MACBETH!!! The play itself made good use of two walls for sets, and even if the acting wasn't the greatest in the world, it was still fun to see it in Scotland! Then, we went to a bar and went home for yet more sleep.

The next morning, we went to a Unitarian church, and took another stroll around Edinburgh before eating lunch at an African restaurant. Then, I met Lindsay at the train station, and we came back to Cardiff!

If I can, I'll put some more detail up is hectic now, though, so I can't promise anything. :) Oh, and more pictures of the trip will be going up soon!

The Balmoral Hotel...
A shot of the Castle!
Another shot of the Castle!!
Another shot of the Castle!!!
Another shot of the Castle!!!!
Elizabeth and I!
Royal Mile!
A Statue!!!
A shot of the Sir Walter Scott memorial.
Another shot of the Sir Walter Scott memorial.
A Hotel.
The Sunset!
Another shot of the sunset!
Lindsay, myself, and Scottish Beer.