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Chapter Two: The Speech

As Doni Lee Coanich seated herself at the Empress' feet, she could hear the Empress practicing her speech to herself. "Ladies and Gentlemen . . .. Come . . . . . Seakings . . . . ." Doni Lee ignored the rest of the speech and looked carefully at the people who also occupied the room. Doni Lee checked for hidden weapons. Her suspicions were aroused when she saw a bulge in a man's pocket. She tensed when he put his hand in his pocket; her hand went near the stunner. When he drew out a dama-fruit, she relaxed and grinned at him. He grinned back, showing that he knew she had worried. Doni Lee looked at the gentleman closely.

He had to be no more than 16 or 17. His dark complexion made her think he was a native of the island, but his manner, his dress, and his access of the dama-fruit (Which is a native of the northern part of Imperial Ruok) made her think he had been away from the island for some time. Perhaps he was an ambassador for this country. Then her mind suddenly released a piece of information that made her laugh. This wasn't the ambassador. You had to be at least five and twenty years of age to be an ambassador in Renoka. She thought more. Perchance he was a scientist. But his tender age made her think different. She doubted if he could even be a student of science. She realized he was crossing the room. She laughed. She knew him! It was the ambassador's son, Jehan! The Empress had spent her sixth summer vacation at his country house, when he was only ten. Now he was sixteen, and a suitor to the Queen Patti of Chelestra.

"Empress," said Jehan, kneeling down and kissing her hand. Empress Karen smiled, and replied.

"Jehan. How dear it is to see you. I haven't seen you since my last visit at Patti's summer palace in Chocolate!" Empress Karen smiled again. She was wise beyond her years, something her people whispered about. They still remembered the time when she streaked her horse when she was five. She had done it herself. It did not matter that no five year old among them could have done it; she had to be ever so slightly crazy to streak a horse. So they ever so slightly doubted her wise ness.

"You have been busy, no doubt?" Jehan asked.

Just at that moment a messenger came into the room. Georg (Gay-org) said, "Empress Karen of Imperial Ruok will be announced shortly," then Georg departed. The Empress gathered her notes together.

Doni Lee got up, and helped the Empress dust her dress. She quickly brushed the long green hair, and polished the shoes. After that, she reapplied that green make-up that adorned her and the Empress' face. This was a test run of dying her face also, not just her hair. Doni Lee hoped it wasn't a mistake. These people had no warning of the face, only of the hair. As she exited the room to the side room of the stage, she said good-bye to Jehan.

The side room was small, but the Empress could hear every word the speaker was saying. Waiting for her cue, she absently touched the side of her head. She had a small headache.

"And now, may I introduce, Empress Karen of Imperial Ruok!" The Speaker had the words right on time, and, motioning for Doni Lee to follow, the Empress walked to the podium. She used magic to make her voice louder her voice so that she need not shout, and then said her speech as follows:

"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I am Empress Karen of Imperial Ruok. Ruok is the Empire that has helped you and, so to speak, kept you afloat all these years. This colony had prospered and grown large.

We have helped you in numerous ways. When you had several season of drought, not only did we supply food, but medical care also. We have kept the Seakings in the North from attacking you, as they did so long ago. And now, we have almost run out of ways to help you. There is another way, though.

If you were to become an official kingdom in Imperial Ruok, we could never forsake you. The next ruler cannot take the protection away. For it has been suggested in the Senate that, that be what we do.

You would have an elected Royal family member to rule as your leader, and their first child, be it man or woman, will rule in his or her place after departure from this life. I will get a ruler among your own people, if you wish.

There will be a vote on this matter tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Vote yes or no

I will leave you with these words to digest.

Renoka of Imperial Ruok.

Thank You, Empress Karen of Froniganne of Imperial Ruok"

With that the young Empress stepped down. She smiled. She knew she had impressed them greatly.

When she heard Patti say something telepathically, she scanned the crowd and saw Patti immediately. She was dressed rather oddly. The Empress grinned. It was good to have her friend here.
