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Chapter Sixteen: The Wedding Itself and the Order of War

Chapter Sixteen:
The Wedding Itself and
The Order of War

Patti stopped at the halfway mark. Here, she levitated above, with help from her younger friend and ruler, Karen, as Patti was not strong in the art of magic.

~~This part always makes me sick,~~ Patti whispered telepathically and singly to Karen. Though her back was turned, (She was being spun ever so slightly, like a top) Patti felt Karen's slight grin. Some violas now accompanied the drums.

Then she was lowered slowly, in front of Shamal. Her dress was swaying in the perfect breeze (Do I even have to say magical) and it blew around her figure and hugged it. The drums and violas stopped. Now came the rich piano voice, to be the background for the first part of the ceremony.

"Ladies, gentleman, and others," began the Empress, smiling at some Toretatorta that were pressing their nosed against the force field, "We are joining these two kingdoms, souls, and peoples as one. Not as Solacians or Chelestrans. But as Solastrans. But more importantly, we are joining Shamal and Patti in marriage."

"Here, here!" yelled the overly excited civilians. A ripple of mirth went throughout the room. Karen looked slightly annoyed, and moved around on her feet. Patti could feel a pebble in the girl ruler's left shoe.

"Shamal. In all of life, you have but one person who you can trust with your innermost secrets. That is you. But, when you are married, the soul of your mate is joined forever with yours. You are not two people, but rather, one. Are you prepared to tell Patti everything, to care for her in sickness, to care for her in health, to love her for this life and next? Are you ready to be her husband? Are you prepared to live in her life and yours?" Karen recited.

"I am prepared," said Shamal, kneeling toward Patti.

"Patti. I must say the same to you. When you marry, your life changes. Are you ready for everything? Are you prepared to live in his life and yours?" Karen was hurrying, looking quickly toward the left. Patti was slightly annoyed. O well, Karen was Karen . . .

"I am prepared," said Patti, kneeling toward Shamal.

"Then, as you kneel together, say as one how you will be as one. Are you prepared?" a quick, impatient look toward the left, again.

"My life for your life. My death for your life. Life for your death. My death for your death,” they said, looking into each other’s eyes.

"You are prepared. You are ready. You have spoken. Now you are married," Karen smiled, a rather distant smile, looking oddly annoyed, and in grievance.

The married couple stood, holding hands above their heads. There went a cheer from the crowd. Above the din, a strong voice said, "Stephanie, please get rid of the Seaking behind you! He's been bothering me the whole of the ceremony!"

Patti smiled. Karen was so hard to get used to. Stephanie stunned at rather short lady in blue, the only in the whole room. Stephanie's green eyes sparkled as she grinned at the Empress, "So you saw her too, huh?"

"Party!" yelled the crowd.

"War," whispered the Empress as she transported the new King and Queen of Solastra to the new ship, named Eve Arden after a rather beautiful photo that they had found on the old home planet of Earth, now totally void of human presence, except for the occasional visitor from other systems. "War," she said louder.

"The Seakings attack! Every man and woman over thirteen years of age fall into line! Thirteen and younger, go to the center. Let it be heard throughout the land! Royals ready yourselves! The Empire of Imperial Ruok is in danger of Seaking attack!" Karen yelled throughout the room. Her well-drilled people fell into marching lines.

She had drilled them from the very first day of her rein. At the time of the Oceania War, they had run in panic. Now, they were drilled frequently. Little children thought this was drill. But they still ran. They remember Strihan, the boy who played instead of going to the Center. He had been publicly forgiven by the Empress, something that still shamed his little soul.

"We will fight. This is our land!" yelled the civilians.

"As will we!" yelled the citizens, already in their ranking order.

"We shall defend our Empire. We shall fight for our lives. We shall fight for you!" came the Royals.

"And I will do the same," so saying the Empress descended toward her chambers, looking at her trail of twenty lads and fifty lasses (She took Patti and Shamal's) It hurt her to see so many.

~*And I will save my Empire in the name of my good mother and father, Emperor and Empress Alan and Marilynn.*~
