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Chapter Nineteen: The Message Georg Brought

Chapter 19:
The Message Georg Brought

Karen was in the midst of a great fight.

“My hair will not be touched!” Karen yelled. He military advisors were advancing with several scissors.

“My dear Empress, you need to have your hair trimmed! Your hair is three feet, two inches long,” said General Smee.

“Three feet, three. And leave me alone your horrid, horrid man!”

General Smee was used to that. “Empress your helmet . . .”

“Leave me ALONE!” The Empress hollered.

“Rulers of the largest nations of the largest planets in our solar system do not holler like that,” Doni Lee commented, rather dryly.

“You’re on their side!” said Karen, rather loudly for one such a person as she was.

The Empress was dressed in a plain white robe. Her hair was its natural blonde, a bright color, like fresh butter. She had just conditioned her hair, and it was a very silk textured. It hung down her back, straight and long. Her skin tone was a pale pink, her natural tint. Her eyes, blue, stood out brightly; as she was not painted she didn’t tone out her own small beauty. Karen couldn’t be called exactly pretty, but she looked rather attractive as she yelled herself red.

“Would you please just consider it? You are to well known. We fear for your safety, a-” Senator Brinxin said.

“I am as safe as the Queen of Solastra at the moment!” the girl ruler said, staring him straight in the eye. With a motion of her hands, her hair was swept into a tightly braided bun that circled her small head several times over.

At that moment, a very small, very proud message boy named Georg (Gay-org) came strutting in. He was one of the favored boys of the Empress, because of the delight in his diminutive face. “My Empreth? I have a methage here marked urgent, from the King of Sowasta,” he lisped with his four-year old tongue.

“I bet it is just a letter noting of safety. This war is almost won!” Karen bragged, smoothing her hair over. She read the note, and then looked at them, her eyes bright with tears. “The blue-bloods have attacked, and I have behaved like a jack-ass. It seems the war will be sooner than thought.”
