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The Links

  • More and more links just keep on coming in, sooner or later, i'll have to make another page for the links.

    this is my other website

    i got a few things from her like pics

    ~*~Luna's Anime Universe~*~

    Join us at Dragon's Shrine to Tenchi TV

    a very interesting site

    a site like none other

    you can win awards from here

    a very complex site

    they have some really good mp3 here

    you'll have to know japanese for this site

    this is a really good site if you want to learn origami

    a very cool site

    pretty good site

    one of my friends site on Pokemon

    Anime Girl's site

    Anime Girl owns this one as well

    Anime Girl ALSO owns this site

    she owns THIS ONE as well

    this is her anime voting thingy

    [Anime Web Turnpike]

    a great site to go to for various anime info and pics

    this is a good site. Cause you can hardly find Mononoke Hime website anywhere except anipike ya know

    i got an award from her. In return, she get's linked

    meet my pet from the cute pet shop his name is kawaii kero-chan2, click on him to go home