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So far Away from You

I thought about you today,
I closed my eyes and said a prayer.
Life is hard with out you by my side,
So I asked for our Lord to take care.
Being so far away from you,
It's impossible for me to be there.
But in my heart, I am able to,
When I am alone, at night, in silent prayer.
I prayed for you to have strength,
To get through this difficult time,
I told God that I am willing,
For him to give you, some of mine.
I know God will renuite us one day,
With this special prayer, from my heart,
If we have faith, our love will find a way,
And I promise to never again part.

Natural High

Your kisses are more addictive then any drink or drug.
When we are all alone, in the dark, I get high off you love.
Your sent is intoxication when I get you in bed...
You've got me up all night long, so my eyes are blood shot red.
Why sleep? With you, it's like a dream come true...
Please don't leave me, for without you, I wouldn't know what to do.
If loving you is a crime, I'd be on death row...
I'm addicted to your love, and I'd die if you'd go.

Together Baby

Five years ago, we me, our love was new and fresh...
With time, came hearbrakes, arguments, and stress.
At first, a family seemed like a happy, fun-filled thing...
We were unaware of all the responsibilities that a child would bring.
It goes beyond changing diapers, and staying up all night...
Bills and jealousy often lead to anger and fights.
When I feel I can't take it, that it would be easier to give up and die,
I forget all my pain, when I look deep into your eyes.
I remember the good times, together, as a family we shared...
The times filled with laughter, tenderness and care.
When I see our lil child, so innocent and young...
I regret all of the carless, and selfish things I've done.
Alone, all by myself, I don't stand a chance...
But together, we can make it, and our loving family will last.

Which One do you Love?

They say, "two is company, and three is a crowd!"
But when I'm with each of you, it's like floating on a cloud.
I love you all a lot, You are all special to me,
Why choose only one woman, when I can have all three?
Your love was like heaven, but then I had fell,
When you found out about eachother, you three sent me to Hell!!
I thought I could keep you all to myself, mine, all mine...
I would fantasize about the four of us, making love at one time.
But that will never be reality, I'd be happy now with just one,
I was cheating & was greedy, so instead of three lovers...
I have none.

Madre Querida

It took my mother's love,
To make me feel at home,
She'd welcome me with open arms,
When I'd come back from the streets I roamed.
I always tested her patience,
She did her best to bring me up right,
She would always wait up for me,
When I'd stay out all hours of the night.
When I was young, she'd keep me clean, and away from dirt,
She'd crease my dickies, and starch my shirts.
She took care of me in every way,
My mother was the best,
It broke her heart when I got my first tattoo,
Even though "Mi Querida Madre" was written on my chest.

Beggers Can't be Choosey

With all the beautiful women in the world,
Why can't I find just one to call my girl?
With every seasons pass, winter, fall, spring, and summer,
I stop and realize, that I'm not getting any younger.
I know your out there, so let yourself be known,
I can't stand to live another day in this world, alone.
Your apperance is not important, I know you are sexy and sweet,
I fantasize about our first kiss, and the first time we meet.
I'm begging you, my love, you can have your way with & use me,
Don't be shy or embarrased, I promise not to be choosey!

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