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Our Freaky/boyband Dreams!

Sprout's Freaky Dreams!(She has'em first cause she has more freaky dreams than Suga!

One time(as sprout tells me)I(suga)was in a park with Drew(her I repeat her fave 98* dude)He was all nice to me "as she saids", and Drew was ignoring her or somethin'.

My (Suga) thoughts are: She's one wacked out chick!!!

She has a crush on this guy ok. She dreamt that he and his friends were in a parking lot(???) She was in front of all of them and then her crush(let's name him dan!)so Dan, slipped his arms around her waist and then spun her around. Then he said something to her which she could not remember and then she woke up.

My thoughts:(note: when she was making me guess about her dream, she told me it was graghic(how do you spell that???) and I was guessing in in that area. In the end it was this. I will put up the convo later. It is hilarious! At least we thought so!) Sprout, You are the weirdest chick! His friend were probably from when they came over. The parking lot, I don't know. The spinning thing, don't make me go there!!!

Sprout had a dream about 98*. They were at her house in a room. Then her bro came in and asked if they wanted to play video games. They said yes and then she woke up. Suga:.....

NEW: Sprout has a new dream! She was with dan again! Dan and his friends were watching us have PE. Then we were in a car. The PE techer asked us to get out. Then he came and hugged her. It sounds really weird. I know he had his old not-so-good looking hair and all. I say that is some wacked stuff!

Suga's Freaky Dreams

Today I had a really weird dream. I dreamt I was in those smint commerciarls. I don't remember anything except for the talking voice dude saying the commercial. I am officialy going crazy!!

I was in my classroom and Justin Timberlake came in the room looking all confused. Then I told him to go to a friend of mine to say hi because she loves him. he did and then I woke up! (I know! I'm weird! I don't even like Nsync let alone Justin!)

Email: ci_ci3@yahoo.com