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Obituary for ~

Capt. Moses Horton

Red Divider

There passed away at his home at Roachvale, N.S.,
on January 2nd, a man worthy of mention
in the person of Captain Moses C. Horton.
His death has come as a great shock to the community,
as he had been in perfect health
until seven days before his death, when he contracted
pleuro-pneumonia, to which he succumbed.
Capt. Horton had followed the sea
for practically his whole adult life,
having been for years master of the "Beulah",
owned by Mr. S.H. Pyle, Boylston.
He retired from the sea about two years ago
and has since been at home.
About six months ago he purchased the farm adjoining his,
formerly owned by Mr. C.B. Cunningham,
on which he and his family moved.
In religious belief, Capt. Horton was a Baptist,
and he was one of the most helpful of men.
He was of true Christian Character and will be greatly missed
in the Church as well as at home and community.
We feel we have lost our chief man in Roachvale
and can think of no one to fill his place.
Besides his wife, four sons and four daughters survive,
Mrs. Alex E. MacKenzie, of Roachvale,
Mrs. George B. Hart, of Boston; Mrs. Delbert S. Myers,
of Queensport, and Miss Muriel at home,
Willard and James of Boston, Vernon of Roachvale
and Edgar at home, also an aged mother, two brothers
and two sisters. He was 61 years old.
His children were all home to the funeral
on Sunday morning, January 7th, which was largely attended
despite the bad roads. Some friends of the deceased drove as far
as twenty-five miles to pay their last respects to one who was highly esteemed by all.
Services were conducted at the house and grave
by his pastor, Rev. H.L. Kinsman. A solo--"Somewhere the sun is Shining"
was sung by Miss Agnes McKeen, of Guysboro. The remains
were laid to rest in Guysboro Cemetery.
The whole community extends their sympathy to the bereaved family,
but their main consolation is to know
that their loved one has gone to be forever with his Lord.

Red Bar

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