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Obituary for ~

Catherine MacIsaac

Red Divider

Mrs. Dan A. MacIsaac

At her home at Giant's Lake, Sept. 26, 1945,
there passed to her eternal reward Catherine,
beloved wife of Dan A. MacIsaac, at the age of 73
years. She was the daughter of the late Donald MacNeil,
Giant's lake, and his wife Mary MacPherson, Middle South River.
Although afflicted with a disease for which science has as yet found no cure,
her passing came as a shock to neighbors and friends,
especially as she was able to attend the mission in the neighboring parish
of Salmon River a week before her death.
Kind and charitable in word and deed,
she lived an exemplary life and when the final summons came
she went forth to meet her Maker quietly and calmly
as she had lived her life, confident in the reward promised to the faithful servant.
To mourn her loss she leaves besides her husband,
four sons and two daughters: Angus B., Antigonish; Archy Dan, who returned from overseas
a few days before her death; Joe, overseas; and John A. at home;
Mary M. Mrs. D.D. MacIsaac, Giant's Lake; and Flora May,
teacher, at home. She also leaves two brothers, Peter
in Somerville, Mass.; Archy J., on the old homestead at Giant's Lake.
A sister, Mrs. John L. MacDonald, St. Andrew's, predeceased her by two weeks.
On Saturday, Sept. 29, after requiem Mass sung by Rev. J.J. MacLaughlin,P.P.,
Lochaber, her remains were tenderly laid to rest in St. Francis DeSales cemetery.
The number of Mass cards, letters of sympathy, and the large number of friends
who came from far and near to the wake and funeral
bore eloquent testimony to the love and esteem in which she was held.

Red Divider

Obituary typed and submitted by Neil MacIsaac

Red Divider

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