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Obituary for

Dana Stewart MacInnis

Red Bar

Cars Met Head-On

Dana S. MacInnis Fatally Hurt in Highway Smash

ASPEN, May 26 -- Dana Stewart MacInnis, 17,
of Melrose, died last night when the car he was driving was in collision with another vehicle at Aspen, about 13 miles from Sherbrooke, Guysborough County.

Driver of the other vehicle was Willis Neil Kaiser, of Port Bickerton, who escaped with a minor shaking up.

RCMP said both men were alone in their cars at the time of accident.
They said the Kaiser vehicle was proceeding toward Sherbrooke and the other car toward Antigonish.

No inquiry

Dr. G.L. Silver, of Sherbrooke, medical examiner, ruled that a magisterial inquiry would not be necessary.

A native of Melrose, MacInnis is survived by his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Murray MacInnis,
and one sister Joyce, aged 18, and his grandparents, Mr. And Mrs. Stuart Langille of River John.

The accident occurred about 13 miles from here.

Young MacInnis was born at River John but had lived at Melrose for the past 15 years. He was a student at St. Mary's Rural High School, Sherbrooke, and a member of the Glenelg Presbyterian Church. He was also an active member of the Allied Youth Post.

The remains will rest at the home and the funeral will be held from the United Church in Aspen at a time to be announced later.

Red Bar

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