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Obituary for ~

Alex Gunn


Mr. Alex Gunn
There passed away at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Letson Schrader, Denver, Guysboro Co., N.S. on Friday, Nov. 15th, 1946, Mr. Alex Gunn, the son of the late Neil Gunn and Margaret McInnes of Denver, Guysboro Co., N.S. in his 93rd year.

Mr. Gunn was a carpenter by trade and worked for a number of years in U.S.A., also in New Westminister, B.C.
He was a man of honesty, and true to the highest conviction, which he believed to be right.

He was a most faithful and enthusiastic worker in the Orange Order, belonging to Gladstone L.O.L. No. 89, being a charter member of that Lodge, which was organized October 15th, 1875.
Brother Gunn, himself, joinging that order a few years previous to that date, in Goldenville, Guys. Co.
He was the first Worship Master of Gladstone L.O.L. and always remained a faithful and useful member down through the years, until old age prevented him from being an active member, and he was bedfast less than nine months, and was tenderly cared for by his granddaughter, Mrs. Schrader, and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry Gunn.

He married first Kate Ellen (Archibald) and he leaves to mourn from this union two sons, and one daughter. They are: William of Alaska, who arrived home a few weeks previous to his father's death, after an absence of forty-two years; Harry, on the old homestead, and (Margaret), Mrs. Hugh McMillan of New Westminster, B.C.
There predeceased him, one son, Neil; and two daughters, Carrie and Almira.

After the death of his wife, he married Mrs. George Archibald, the former Annie Rhude, and from this union, one son mourns him, Irwin of Boston, U.S.A.

There also remains one sister, Mrs. Robert Archibald, New Town, Guys. Co.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. Mr. Robertson of the United Church, Sherbrooke, Guys Co., which was held from the Orange Hall.
The Orangemen had charge of the service at the graveside.
The pallbearers were:
Arthur Archibald, Merrill Archibald, Ernest Archibald, and Hughie Archibald, all nephews of the deceased.
The flowers which decked the coffin spoke of the esteem in which Alex Gunn was held.


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