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Obituary for ~

Obed Chuto Giffen

Red Divider

May 6, 1941
Captain Obed. Chuto Giffen (shown above), one of Nova Scotia’s best-known seamen, passed away at his Halifax home at an early hour yesterday morning after a short illness. At the time of the Halifax disaster he played an important part, with a heroic band, in preventing added damage. With the passing of Captain Obed Chuto Giffen early yesterday, Nova Scotia lost one of the most colorful figures ever to sail out of provincial ports. Captain Giffen died at his home, 259 ˝ Creighton Street, after an illness of only three weeks. Despite his advanced age of 80 years previous to his short illness he had been in excellent health and spirits. The Captain, or “Uncle Chuto” as he was known to children and grown-ups alike was born at Goldboro on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore, on Nov. 12, 1852, and while still a boy began a seagoing career. At 20 he was a coastwise master. He served as a commander in the North Atlantic during the First Great War and for a time was Captain of the S. S. Goliath sailing between Mulgrave and Point Tupper. Intensely religious throughout his lengthy life Captain Giffen was inclined to attribute his record of never having lost a ship nor a man to the protection of Divine Providence rather than his own excellent seamanship. He was well-known in small ports for his habit of conducting Sunday service when there was no resident pastor. Endowed with indomitable courage Captain Giffen distinguished himself in the First Great War when in company with Admiral Kingston he and his crew volunteered to man a fire-swept ship loaded with high explosives that was anchored in Bedford Basin and successfully extinguished the blaze. Through the courage of Captain Giffen and his colleagues possible added disaster was averted. His wife, Theodosia, predeceased him three years ago and he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Levina MacArthur, 93 year old resident of Goldboro; six sons, B.A. Giffen, Portland, Ore.; W. V. Giffen, Hamilton, Ont.; C. B. Giffen, Brockville, Ont; O. L. Giffen, West Medford, Mass.; M. E. and H.R. Giffen, both of this city. Besides immediate relatives he leaves 21 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held from his home 259 ˝ Creighton Street, this Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, remains being forwarded to Isaac’s Harbor for burial in the family lot.

Red Divider

Typing of this obituary was done by Peggy O'Neal-Thurston

Red Divider

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