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Obituary for ~

Mrs. James (Chisholm) Nelson

Red Divider

The Eastern Chronicle, New Glasgow, N.S.
Tuesday, 25 September 1917:

Mrs. James Nelson Dead

After an illness of six months,
Mrs. James Nelson passed away at 11 a.m. today,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.R. Smith, 38 Wave Avenue.

She leaves a husband and two daughters,
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Ira W. Cameron of Sydney, N.S.,
all of whom were with her at the end.
Funeral notice later.

The above from the Wakefield, (Mass.) Item, of Sept. 20.

The deceased lady was well-known in New Glasgow
where she made her home for years,
and was in early life a Miss Chisholm of Caledonia,
Guysboro County. Mr. Nelson was the only son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson who for so long
maintained the popular hostilary at Trafalgar.
The sorrowing family will have the deep sympathy of many friends in Nova Scotia.

Red Divider

Thanks to Carolyn Wallace for this obituary.

Red Divider

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