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Obituary for ~

Abraham W. Bigelow


BIGELOW, Abraham W.:

The Canso News, Canso, NS, December 28, 1918:

A. W. Bigelow:
A. W. Bigelow, one of Canso's most prominent citizens,
passed away on December 12th at the advanced age
of seventy five years. The deceased,
with his brother J. W. Bigelow of Wolfville,
in the earlier years carried on
an extensive trading business along the Coast.
Later, on the removal to Wolfville of the brother,
the deceased continued for some years as captain of vessels
in the employ of A. N. Whitman & Son,
afterwards engaging in business in the Town of some years,
finally entering the hotel business
and has for many years been proprietor of
the Wilmot House, so well-known to the travelling public.
The deceased leaves a wife and four children;
Mrs. H. P. Moffatt and Mrs. C. Hastie of Canso;
E. W. Bigelow, a lawyer of Coquitlam, BC,
recently invalided home from overseas
and W. E. Bigelow with the Canadian forces in France.
Mrs. J. W. Manning and Mrs. Joseph Kempton of Wolfville are sisters.
Interment took place at Canso on the 14th,
conducted by Rev. J. D. McLeod
assisted by Rev. P. M. Hartley.

Red Bar

Thanks to Diana Tibert for this obituary.

Red Bar

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