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Obituary for ~

Janie Clarke

Red Bar

Janie Clarke

Miss Janie Clarke, of Caledonia, Guysborough County,
passed away from this life about six o’clock Wednesday morning,
November 7, 1934, after an illness of about six weeks duration.

Miss Clarke, a daughter of George and Catherine McGinnis Clarke,
was born on the old homestead about a half-mile from the present home,
on February 11, 1849.
Except for a brief stay in the States,
Miss Clarke spent her entire life in that community.
She cheerfully and willingly cared for her aged parents
in their later years upon this earth, and at the same time
performed the duties of a mother to her motherless nephew,
George Innis Wilson, who in her later years showed his gratitude to her,
by doing all he could for her comfort.

She was a member of the Caledonia Presbyterian Church,
and was in attendance when health permitted,
even in her eighty-sixth year.

The funeral service was held on Friday afternoon, November 9,
from her late home. The service was conducted by her pastor,
the Rev. H. Wilson Sieber, who used as the text for his message,
II Corinthians 5:6. The body was laid to rest
beside her father and mother in the old Presbyterian Cemetery near Caledonia.

She left to mourn her departure, one brother,
Mr. Dan Clarke, of Sunny Brae, nephew George Innis Wilson,
of Caledonia, and niece, Mrs Eddie Cumminger, of Lower Caledonia.

Red Bar

Thanks to Elma Perry for this obituary.

Red Bar

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