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Welcome to Land's Edge

Current Residence are:

Norring Hatori

Chareos Blade

Shenna Cattrax


Shawn Krendle


If you would like to reside here aswell send an E-mail toClockWork. It is free of charge and there is no obligation. In the E-Mail include Character's name, age, and history. The more you put in the more you will get out. If you have a pic also put the adress in the e-mail or the picture itself* no pics over 500k* please use .jpg and .gif pic formats.

Here are some midi's I like: some sad song, Ironman... the musical , An ultima midi, Breathe, the Spyhunter music, the theme music from Unforgiven, Combat music from FF7, The Ghost Train Yard music also from FF7. I hope to get more later but thats if for now.

My Personal Rules for FFRP

LandLinks (This is my links page. RPG links, pic links, and just links that I like)

And if you seek a vast store house of ... stuff then Philosophy of the Land is a place to find that.

If you have any questions or comments please talk to ==>ClockWork

Just alittle about me.

Oh ya... cause today's modern world sucks butt, this is my Disclaimer.