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Welcome to my IC page, i know my IC story is a lil ruff. But hopefully it will give you an idea of my IC history.

Most people don't know much about me IC (In Character). So get ready! Your about to learn a new side of me that you never knew existed!

Khashai was raised in an assassins guild with her older brother Dal'Ar'Tai, who was also the leader of the Dragons Blind Eye Assassins. As his younger sister, Khashai learned many skills on how to protect and defend herself. Although she wasnt as good as her brother or the other assassins in combat, she did perfect other skills. She was an expert in archery, tracking, poisons, and theivery.

When she was a baby her parents were murdered by the Blind Dragons Eye Assassins. They kidnapped Khashai and Dal'Ar'Tai, then brought them to Khalamar, the leader of the guild. Khalamar sentenced both children to die, but Dal'Ar'Tai (being sly and quick thinking whenever he was in trouble) pledged to Khalamar that he would be loyal to Khalamar and the guild, if Khalamar would let him and his sister live, letting them both become apprentice assassins under Khalamars wing(secretly he swore revenge on the bastard). Khalamar saw no use in the boy, but thought he was amusing. Dal'Ar'Tai saw the glint in Khalamar's eyes, he had a feeling that maybe this idea wasnt going to work.... BUT Khalamar had plans for this boy, he had great expectations that this boy would work well for him. And if he didnt... well... then he'd be a great scape goat. Khalamar looked over at the boy, a dubious grin crossed his face. "Dear boy,Dal'Ar'Tai, isnt it? I want you to steal something from the Dark Mage Filganthas, IF you came back alive and with something from the Mages tower, then you and your sister will be aloud to stay alive and trained to become assassins. Do you understand?" Dal'Ar'Tai looked up at Khalamar with a grin, he let go of his little sisters hand, "Yes, Sir, I do." Dal'Ar'Tai looked back at his sister "I will return for you, i promise Shai." The little girl looked up with him and then back at the assasin with a smirk. "Of course you will, my brother. I have faith in you Tai. Off with you, its nearly dusk..." And with that Dal'Ar'Tai was gone.

He succesfully got into the tower, no other thief in Xanthikah was able to do this.... BUT then again, he only got in because Filganthas let him in. You see Filganthas happend to be a friend of the family, Khashai's father, Talai, worked with Filganthas in his conclave. Dal'Ar'Tai explained to Filganthas the trouble he was in. Filganthas told the young boy to go upstairs in his library and get any kind of scrolls or maps he would like, but he warned him do not take anything that is binded in black, for that is for high levl wizards only. But Dal'Ar'Tai did not go into the library, he saw another room that caught his interest. He wasnt sure what room it was, but it had all kinds of beautiful things in it. Like gems, gold, paintings, jewelry.....a dagger....The most exotic and intriguing dagger he had ever seen. He took the dagger and a few gems, but not wanting to be a greedy theif, he decided not to take any scrolls or maps, and plus what if he picked up something enchanted? He didnt want to risk that. But still fearing the mage would be a little upset about him taking his dagger he never told the mage he had it. Dal'Ar'Tai wished the mage a good eve, and escaped into the night as silent as a soft breeze....

Dal'Ar'Tai presented the the beautifully jeweled dagger, thats handle was delitcately engraved to look like the claw of a dragon to the assassin. Khalamar was very suprised that a young boy could steal something from a dark mage and still have his hands to hold it with. He knew now that the boy could be very useful for him err the guild even......

A few years past and Dal'Ar'Tai became the best assassin in the guild. While Khashai was becoming of age, more beautiful and deadlier of each passing day. Many men wanted her for themselves, but feared her brother, And her also. Because of the rumors they heard about her and a young theif that she was seeing for a while. His name was Gilthanial, he was a sort of teacher to Khashai when it came to stealing. Gilthanial was known for his quick hands. His nick name "Uskake" meaning fingers of lightning within his tribe. He was the best of the best, the second best being Khashai, of course. He adored Khashai, and she loved and looked up to her shalafi, meaning "teacher" in elven. Khashai was told by others, that she wasn't the only one he spent his nights wiht... This angered her very much, she didnt want to believe it. She didn't want to ask her brother for help, she knew what he would do if he found out Gil was being unfaithful to his sister. No..she would find out herself. And that she did. She tested his love, and he failed. He was seeing another student, after he would send Khashai off to town to practice pick pocketing, or when her and her brother would go off on a mission. Khashai decided to tell him that her and Tai were going to Orions Lands, for a few days to assasinate the King before rival mercineries got to him. She knew her brother would be gone with his friends to "trade" with the elf mercineries, so her plan would work with out him being involved.
The next night she cought him entertaining a female student she didnt recognize that well. "SHAI! i...i.. its not.." She smiled in his direction, slowly walking over to him ((Some stories say that her eyes were blazed with green fire that night)) she put her delicate paws against the sides of his face and kissed his lips, "dont worry about it...I understand.." her voice sounded very sharp and cold. "Have a good sleep my love..." She sneered at him,not even looking at the girl who sat wide eyed and astonished. He blinked, feeling his face turn pale, his tail go limp, not really sure what happend. A wind of relief went over him as she left the room. He couldnt believe that she wasnt that upset about it. He regreted what he had done to her, the next day when he found himself very ill. He was dying slowly of a rare one dared to ask any questions about the death of the young theif, but did question if it was murder or just coincidence.

Khalamar raised Dal'Ar'Tai as a son, but Khashai was another story. Khalamar was planning on marrying Khashai as soon as it was the 20th summer, and her schooling was finished, she would become his Queen. Khashai was very independent and didn't like to ask for help from others. She loved going off now and then for adventures, or if she heard there were treasures in some far away area that no living thief could get to. One day she came back from a trip just like that. She had collected a few nice jewels,gems, and magical items such as staves, maps, gold bracers, and a beautifull carved long bow, with silver laced elven markings (Its known to be her favorite weapon). That day Khalamar told her the dreadful news, that she would marry him. Khashai refused to this, she would not marry someone she didnt love, someone who is old and someone she and her brother loathed. This angered Khalamar. He would not except her refusal, he told Khashai if he didn't marry him, she would die! Khashai knew he was telling the truth, Khalamar never bluffed about anything. Khashai agreed to the marriage (lying through her teeth. Another skill of hers that came in handy now and then). She told Dal'Ar'Tai about the marriage, and her not wanting to marry him. Dal'Ar'Tai loved his little sister and would do anything for her. And this would also be the perfect time for the revenge, he swore he would have one day. About a year ago, he killed the assassins who killed his parents (which no one knew, since Dal'Ar'Tai told Khalamar they were killed by Elven rogues, who belonged to the Silent Society of Elves,their rivals). He's been waiting for years just for the perfect time to kill Khalamar, the man who ordered out the death of his father and mother. Dal'Ar'Tai and Khashai planned that night.

......2 days later the body Khalamar was found in his room, lying peacefully in his bed. The members of the guild only assumed he died in his sleep, but Khalamar's healers believed it was a certain type of poison that killed him. They're theory was correct, because the next day when they were going to have a berrial ritual for his body, his skin was the only thing left of him. The poison slowly burned out his insides and dissolved his bones.

Dal'Ar'Tai became leader of the guild, which pleased him and Khashai. But Khalamar's death bothered him. He and his sister never had a chance to go out on their plan. He wondered for weeks who could have done it. Until sadly it hit was Khashai who killed Khalamar. He knew she was the only one who knew about various poisons, and could get close enough to Khalamar to do anything. Dal'Ar'Tai never confessed his suspicions to anyone, not even Khashai. He would do anything to protect her and her secret.

When Khashai turned 18 she wanted to leave the guild and wander different lands on her own. Her brother agreed to this, thinking it would be better if she was away from the guild since other members were starting to question Khalamar's death more. For a gift to Khashai, Dal'Ar'Tai gave her the dragon dagger that he found in the late Filganthalis's tower when he was a younge boy. The dagger glowed various colors, but no colors at all when she held it in her hand. Dal'Ar'Tai knew something was special about that dagger, but he wasnt sure what. "Be careful my sister, I hope this dagger brings you safety." Dal'Ar'Tai hugged Khashai, the assassins all crowded around, their fist to their chest as thier salute to those who leave the guild searching for new quests. "My journey will be long and dangerous my brother, I'm sure. I might not return...Fairwell. May our paths cross between the moon and the sun Tai." She pulled away from her brother, picked up her things, resting her bow across her back and her dagger tucked under her bracer. "You might not return, but you will always have a home here. Take care, and may our paths once again join at the end of the road, my sister. Goodbye Shai. Usth Calas Terwaxuz... (Protection chant their father would say to them) Khashai smiled, hesitantly turning around, and walking out of the cavern that was her home for so many years...

Khashai left her home and her brother to go westward, to a land called Furcadia.....And so began her new life.......

This story was written by Amber . If you have any ideas on what I should add or change to it, be my guest to give me some of your own suggestions. This story is copyrighted and such.