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Welcome. You have entered Kallya's Spell Book. I am the Supreme Good Witch for the Crypt Wars...where Survival is just the beginning....

Please feel free to browse my pages. Comments and suggestions are more than welcome. Just email Kallya and I'll try my hardest to write you back.
Thank you for visiting and have a dark and dreary evening.

I will be giving out a weekly award. The award will be given to the Warrior who has the best and most creative eulogies. If you want to win, you need to support your team and POST THOSE EULOGIES!!!!! Remember you MUST post at least 3 out of 5 days. Good luck and happy eulogy writing!

Check out my Eulogies

Kallya's Friendship Spell

The laugh of a child,
a ray of light,
and a single daisy petal.
Stir them together until you have the color of the sun.
Pour into a goblet.
Pass it around.
This is how new friendships can be found!

I have witches and vampires for you to adopt. Click HERE to adopt one of your own.

Hey! Come check out my own personal adoptions! My family is getting bigger! I have vampires, ghosts and few others. I'm sure they wouldn't mind "guests".

Would you like to see my Crypt Wars Webrings?

Copyright © 1999-2000 Kallya