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Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs,dust go to sleep,

I'm rocking my baby ,and babies don't keep.

My life from the day my first child was born changed
I never thought a little bundle of joy could give so much to me.
As each child was born my heart filled with more love than I thought my heart could hold. They filled my heart with love and as they grew with worry.
The Magic of a child's touch can soften even the hardest of hearts. They can fill a hole left by a passing of a child .Never taking that child’s place but filling the tremendous hole that you never thought could ever be filled.
I want to say “Thank You” to my children. For being the people they are and for giving me four wonderful, beautiful grandchildren.
I am sure they each given a special magic touch from their Uncle Randy before they were born into this world, to give to all that loved him.
" To My Grandchildren "
I never thought that the hole in my heart ,
Would ever be filled.
God saw the pain my soul was in ,
And sent me angel's .

** LINKS**

I Need You Standing On The Mountain Mamma Grandma I Loved You From The Start Think Before You Do
My Special list If Tomorrow Never Comes If I could My Rose Garden The Sea From Josh

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