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My Angel Now and Forever
Raima Di

On the eve of May 3rd, 1998; I lost my only love Raima Di Lee.
She was only 17 when she died the night after our junior prom.
Her life was taken from a horrible illness called Cystic Fibrosis.
Raima taught me so many lessons in life I will never forget.
She will be my angel now and forevermore.

My love was born at 4:20 am here in sunny CA on Aug. 23rd, 1981.
Her proud parents were Min and Cheng Lee.
Her mother was born in China and always taught the ways of the old country to her kids.

Raima grew up in a pretty small family.
It was her, her ma and pa and her older brother Aliu Jacq.

She was dianosed with having CF ( Cystic Fibrosis) at 18 months.
Her mother and father both did not know they were carriers.
The family knew little about their child's illness.
Raima's mother found lots of info on her illness.
She was sad to learn her little girl would never live a normal life.

Raima was a very ill little girl, spending weeks after weeks in the hospital.
She was always extreamly small for her age.
Treatments never did seem to help the little girl.

Years passed, Raima went through many hard times.
She had few friends, and seemed depressed.
Her parents home schooled her till the 6th grade, when finally they desided to send their little girl to a public school.
Soon Raima made many friends.
She was told to stay away from infections, and always careful on what she did.
Kids often asked her why she missed so much school.
Why she was so sick all the time.
She told them all about it.
Raima never kept her illness from anyone, she wanted to share it with the world...she wanted others to understand.

I met Raima in the 9th grade.
It was love at first site.
She had the smile that would melt a guys heart in two.
We became fast friends.
She told me of her CF, but I did not care...for than I was already in love with her.
I told her the end of that year that I loved her.
We became a couple.
At times I found myself asking myself why I was dating her.
I found myself asking .."Mike, she is dying..why do you love her?" ..Than I would see her smiling face in my head..and I would realize.. we just were ment to be.
Raima was my girl..and I was her guy.
She became a cheerleader at our school.
Raima had the most school spirit, that I ever saw.
She was so pretty.

Than, in the spring of 1998 out of the blue Raima told me.."Mike, I am going soon".
I helt her close, trying not to cry.
Raima was growing weaker, we both knew that.
I guess she knew her time was ending.
We spent every moment we could together.

Our junior prom..Raima insited that we go..even though she was so weak she could bearly sit up!
I bought her a pretty light purple dress..with lots of lace.
She looked like a princess.
I rented a limo, and took out to a fancy restrant.
By the time prom came that night.. she was extreamly weak.
I asked her if she wanted to go home..but.. she said .."No, I want to go".
I carried her into prom that night.
We never danced that night, just sat and talked.
I told her I loved her so I would be sure she knew.
The school surprized my angel that night.
Raima was crowned prom queen!
Her face lite up with pride.
I knew though, inside her little body was screaming with pain.
I took her home that night.
Tucked her into her bed, and layed next to her for hours after she fell asleep.
She looked so peacefull.

The next day, I was called very early to go to the Lee's home.
My love, was throwing up blood.
She had little time left.
Her mother told me, "Raima not going to the hospital, she is going to die with pride at home, where belongs. ".
My angel, Raima died that eveing.

Raima was burried in her prom dress, with the crown apon her head.
The whole town seemed to come out to her funeral.
White roses were everywhere.
Saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing I have ever done.
I bent down and kissed her good bye..

I will never forget Raima..
She will always be my only True Love..

My angel now, and forever


Song is Last Kiss by Pearl Jam

1: Cystic Fibrosis
2: Raima's Web Rings