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Update: June 2004 Well, the album's out and the flames of fandom I harbor for WP are burning brightly. OK, it's almost midnight, and I don't think that well this time of night. Regardless, I am waiting for my friend Dee to finish some designs for me so I thought I'd update this page.

One thing I added that people might like is a radio Coke commercial that Wendy and Carnie did a few years back. I will warn you now, the quality is horrendous; you'll need to turn your sound up REALLY loud. I taped it off the radio and then to get it onto my computer I had to tape it using sound recorder. Did I mention I don't have a microphone and am using earphones? And did I also mention the stupid radio station cut off the last 3 words? Heh, so yeah, I'll try to get a better recording later if possible, but for now here it is:

Coke Commercial

I have also changed all of the backwards wavs into MP3s, so hopefully they will download a bit better.

Finally, Sony is running a promotion where you can enter to win a copy of the new WP cd California and a Sony Kitchen Clock radio (this thing looks really cool!). Click on the banner below to visit the contest site:

Now the stuff you've read before...

This page started out as a bunch of backwards wavs I created of Wilson Phillips songs. I had originally not intended on including my song parodies and my tribute to Wendy, but as my boring Spring Break droned on and on, I ran out of things to do and decided to expand upon the page.

I encompassed the wavs, parodies, and tribute under the broad title of WP Fun! because I like to laugh and I so easily amused myself with the making of this web page. Besides, there is already a great, serious WP page out there, and I knew I'd never be able to compete (nor would I want to) with it. I had fun making the page (and everything contained in it) and I hope you have fun checking it out.

Backwards Wavs / Parodies / Wendy

General Fiction

Also check out: * WP Message Board * Official WP Site (Sony)

If you have any comments or questions about the page,
feel free to send me email! I love getting mail! (: