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London Production RPG

This is where you play an actor, actress or backstage role in the London Production of CATS. Choose any available part you want, or be a backstage! EMeow me with the role you want at: After you've sent me your cat, come to the board at Remember: no profanity, no sex (two people can have sex but don't give any unimportant details), and most importantly: have fun! (You can play up to six characters: three actors/actresses, and three backstage helpers (makeup artist, costume designer, whatever).)

Available Roles

Bustopher Jones/Growltiger/Asparagus (Michael Cantwell)

Bill Bailey (Joe Ryan)

Carbucketty (Clifford Stein)

Coricopat/Genghis (Michiel Veerkoren)

Electra (Agnes Vanrepute)

Grizabella (Sally Ann Triplett)

George/Rumpus Cat (Steven Wayne)

Jellylorum/Griddlebone (Nikki Ankara)

Jennyanydots (Ulrika Butt)

Old Deuteronomy (Nicholas Pound)

Plato/Macavity (Kenny Linden)

Skimbleshanks (Matthew Gould)

Tantomile (Beth Robson)

To the Board!
