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Who is Cortney Gee.. well I'll tell you he definitely isn't some over paid under worked celebrity . I'm one of the many comedians that make up the working class in my chosen profession.I'm a 31 year old father of three sons( I affectionately refer to them as daddies lil demons ) I'm originally from Cleveland , Ohio. I currently reside in LA ( city of angels ) . Maybe you've seen me while I've made appearances on BET's Comicview , HBO's Def Jam , or The Jamie Foxx Show . If you didn't who cares you are at my website and I still get the opportunity to entertain you with my wit. I'm very appreciative for the opportunity to have a career that not only can make me a good amount of capital but it's also one that I truly enjoy. Sometimes I find it quite humorous that people pay to see me do what I did for my Uncle Snag and his friend Stuntman while the smoked dank and drank Wild Irish Rose wine for their amusement free of charge .Back in the day they might let me get a sip of the vine , or a blow some dank smoke in my face so that I got a contact . Now I get to travel all over the world trying to fill it with laughter .

Well I'm sure you are wondering why the hell would I put up a webpage and just what on earth would make me believe that someone would give a rats ass about how I see the world . To be truthfully honest I don't . I thought it would be mad cool though to use this WEBDESIGN software I pirated from an old laptop bought at the pawn store .




I have a somewhat nice collection of books, mostly by black authors .. though some are very much Mainstream . My favorite books are written by Robert Beck .... better known as ICEBERG SLIM..... Many of the rappers and cool actors of our time owe much of their cool to the mind set that Iceberg laid out in " PIMP: the story of my life " . One of the coldest accounts of street life through his eyes as a hard time hustler . Donald Goines is another author I would recommend that people check out . The vivid way that these brothers put it down on paper is to be applauded and appreciated.

Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire series intrigue me ... I just wish her vampires were less feminine ... I mean ain't nothing that scares me more than a creature that wants to suck your blood and decorate your home hehehehehhee!!!!!!


I'm a collector of music and movies. My musical taste is very broad . I like good music ..... Bach , Sinatra , Marvin Gaye , The Doors and Jimi Hendrix made good music.

Some of my favorite artist are PRINCE ( yeah I know he's on that artist shit nowadays but I like that lil MF' s music back when he looked liked one of the Sylvers and was ripping Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam off. ) , Al " Girl get them grits off me " Green , Luther ( I don't know what size he'll be next concert ) Vandross he is truly the voice of our generation , Frank Sinatra ( hey how can you talk about THE VOICE and not give this playa his props? Frank was the ultimate in cool ... he banged Hollywood starlets, had dinners with JFK and hung with the MOB !!!!), I'm a big fan of Method Man and Old Dirty Bastard musically I believe that the Ticallion Stallion is without many peers while when it comes to sheer ignorance and stupidity Old Dirty Bastard is without equal ( well that guy did kind of out do him in the do dumb shit department at an award show catagory). I'm also a fan on Billie Holliday she was truly a talented tormented soul... would have loved to had seen her nod out in the middle of a set.

When I was lil I wanted to be Micheal Jackson... think about it what lil black kid with an afro didn't? I watched the Jacksons: An american dream and came to the conclusion I could have taken a few more ass whuppins in life if that was the way to fame and fortune . If there was one Jackson I felt most pity was Jackie ... I mean damn it had to be hard being on the road with your little bad ass brother who by the way was 20 times more talented than you.

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