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~The Krystal Kathedral~
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All About Me!

Mt.Krystal Erupts!


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"If you think having dark hair and glasses is going to get you ignored by men...

then you're right."
~SNL'S Tina Fey :)

Hello friends! I've renovated! How d'ya like the place? The view is gorgeous, and the rent is great. :) But to the Thespians who fear change, worry not! I am still true to the stage. **thumps her chest in the "representin'" kind-of-way**

Anyway, intros for the new kids... you know, the ones going "How did I get into this site, and who is this freak?..."
Hi! I'm Krystal, A.K.A. Tal, or Krys. Pick a prefix, or a suffix and stick with it. :) I am, to say the least, INVOLVED. (with a girl named Betty. Sorry, Inside joke. No, I don't swing that way, not that there is anything wrong with that. :) My passion is theater, though I do much more. I've participated in a buncha plays, gone and WON at DTASC Fests, and am involved with my Community Theater. I am extremely involved in a many things, and for the most part, I love life! I'm zipping through my junior year in high school, and if you read through my page, (YALE!) you'll find out what my (YALE!) future dreams (YALE!) are. (YALE!) :) Yeah. I'm a very mellow and subdued person. Shy to speak and emotionally stable-- HAH! Yeah right. ANYWAY, if you really want to read more about my neurotic self, (YOU STALKER!) you came to the right place, this whole site is dedicated to my life and it's ups and downs, lefts and rights, dark and lights...

(WARNING: Mushy stuff) To the people who have walked in and out of my life; whether it was scars, or footprints, harsh words or wise, I am stronger because of you. I dedicate this page, and all the memories it holds to those people. "Life is made of moments... none are worth ignoring." ~ "Into the Woods"

Feel free to e-mail me about comments, questions, queries, CASH, :) or just to talk about drama, the theater, acting or anything else! I love to meet other "Drama Freaks," "Band Geeks," "Decathlon Divas," "Debate Dorks," "Speech Suckers," "Drum Major Dude/ettes," "History Day Addicts," "Mock Trial men/women" "Wannabe Yalies," or/and caffeine-addicted academic neurotics who are way too competitive for their own good, like me! :) Or if you want to be notified everytime this page is updated, e-mail me and let me know!

Thanks for visiting! Sign my guestbook, and look at my plethora of pictures! Please let me know if any links aren't working! Have fun and thanks for coming, I hope to see you again! Remember, When in doubt, sing loud! Wishing you broken legs a' plenty!
..."All the World's a stage"...
What's New On My Page!
Besides a new look... A new message to all my friends!
A New Pic and Quote of the week!
What's Not Quite Finished on my Page!
A not quite finished page about MOI!
linked to my My ER shrine! :)

Message Board!

I know I haven't updated in a while, but what's new. :) For all of you who aren't in touch, I lost history day: first runner-up once again... to the same guy. Yep. It's quite all right, next year i'll be at it again! I just got home from the National Student Leadership Conference in Washington DC! I LOVE DC! The last three days were spent in New York, and that was fun too! When I got home my YALE application was sitting on my bed waiting for me! I'm so nervous and excited! This summer and this year is going to be so hectic... but I'm pumped and ready for it! Let's do this! :)

This page is under heavy construction! (And always will be under construction. :) See, even after a year I came back! :)

The stage counter was last reset June 18, 1999. Thespians Stage last updated 7/10/2002