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These pictures were taken the last few days of middle school when everyone went picture crazy. I dont think ill be addin anymore to this page, unless they would be from high school, now that ime a sophomore, well for those of you that wanna go back into time, feel free to wait and take a journey back to Zama...

This is us chilling on the last day of school, waiting for the bus to come

The SHA town crew

The fellahs

Andre, Tristan, & Ronn

Dennis, Nane, Lisa, & Tracey

Another one of the guys

TJ & Ronn (too cute)

TJ, Carper, & Ronn

Jeny, Janney, Mabelle

Me & Nane

Kinda blurry, but oh well ~tracey & Me~

Another one of the boys

Another one of the gurls

Alison & stacy

Me, Lisa, & Jillee

The following are pictures for field day
