Sullivan Street

Poems Q-Z


Fifty miles from Laramie
and trees
are looking dusty.
The afghan in the back seat is
getting moldy
and the cup holder
broke off last Saturday night.
Bass-line causes me to squint
as you slowly rub my temples
after licking index fingers
with your tongue.
The last time I remembered him this way
the moon had been up
for over three hours
and its light
made the bleachers
look white.
From a distance I almost thought
that a glacier
had worked its way
under his seat.
Common sense told me that
in Pennsylvania
in May
snow is far from falling
even though he wasn't.
And I looked to the sky
my mind meanwhile wandering.

And you tell me to
forget what he said
during that night
of sitting
under the stars.

He called my name
and I slowly made
my way to what transformed
into metal
as I got closer
placing pictures
in the shadow space.
Before me stood a jungle
and stumbling helped me find
my way to him.
"I bet the starfish are out tonight." he says
as I remember the vacation we
could have taken
dreams of
loosening up with
a punching bag each morning
while standing in the
surf and rain.
He laughs as the bottle cap falls
through the bleachers
fluttering like a dead leaf--
"The starfish!" he calls to the moon,
"We're missing those damn starfish!"
I shutter
pulling the sweatshirt over my head
legs still exposed
and I count the
moles that speckle my thighs as
skin cancer in the making.
"They could have been my biggest discovery!"
Looking up at the sky
shaking uncontrollably
while tears
soak through
my shoulder
and while time
soaks through
my mind.

Just like yesterday
as we are
fifty miles from Laramie
the driver throws
your bottle cap
out the door
and as I watch it
dancing on the road.
I swear I saw it
turn into a

Unstoppable Scene

"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8am, all alone again. And I've been through all this stuff before. Spend my nights in self defense, crying about my innocence, but I'm not all that innocent anymore."

---Counting Crows

San Diego, 1997.
I called the operator for some directory assistance.
Some help I got.
After the reserection, I heard someone say,
"Wont you dance with me?"
Three years later, I said it five times fast...
"Wont you dance with me?"
"Woe int you dannwit me?"
Distorted by coffee and spoiled creamers, I woke up at 2:39am to see
that my window was open
and I think that you got mad because they
didnt know where I was.
Sitting pretty in coffee shops
fake knowledge set out in front of
who they're feeling like being today...
A poet, an athlete, a movie star
or maybe a computer programmer.
Books, books, books, books, laying out everywhere
but not a page has been turned, just eyes
around in their heads feeding off one another's
brillance which will soon be discovered to
act as the center of a rubberband ball
one wrapped around the other
pages turned, 80 in 5 minutes
a world record set in ignorance and patchwork
ideas layed out fickle in a row.
There in the trees, I was totally me
and romance was divine.
I miss it.
The department store counter lines itself
every morning with new bottles
and today when I went to return a pair
of no-run nylons
blemished up my calf
I saw a bottle of you.
So I coerced my hand to sacrifice for
your odor semi-perminant.
The rest of that Tuesday afternoon when ever
I brushed my bangs out of my eyes
I thought as if you were doing it for me
auto-pilot took over and
I cursed myself for forgetting to have
brushed my teeth after breakfast.
It is a shame that
the dance stopped early and you
fell out onto the porch with a girl
who will never be me.
Maybe that is what you want...
But the books lined up dont lie
even though you do
as she reaches into your knapsack and
pulls out some sort of pyschology journal
because you can "read minds", or atleast you think you can
and all I can chew around in my head
is that every day with you was like five minutes to midnight, 1999
not knowing what was going to happen
when it became a brand-new year.

Sonnet#4:Behind My Own Bars

Bellowing wisdom annoints the first born.
Cautiously breaking, stand in the waking
thoughts still are making, hopes meanwhile breaking
the life never had is feeling forlorn.
Ignoring all truth, grasp hard for the stars.
Ones without promise that lead to demise
soul ache and heartbreak, Deaths perfect disguise
held now inprisioned behind my own bars.
Walls that are rotting look solid enough.
Thoughts filled with anger begin to take flight.
Walls caving in as my day becomes night.
Shamefully calling, escape remains tough.
He calls out my name with sunlight and love
Should I climb this rope, escape from above?

Waking Up

"So many pictures make up a memory, like she says she likes to watch me sleep."

----Counting Crows

You came by my heart
slowly one night...
Forever, I thought I would have to wait.
Unless I someday decide differently,
clearly you belong with me
and I know that my eyes were made
soley with the mission
of every morning waking up
to look at you.

Smiled Me Like That

You were creeping up on me
while I watched the people walk by
then in a vicious stare
I fixiated on you and instantly froze.
If I am wrong about this then I might as well crumble
because nobody else could have
smiled me like that.

Someone Else's Dreams
(written after reading "Death of a Salesman")

"You get what you pay for, but I just had no intentions of living this way."

---Counting Crows

You are the best lip reader in the world
do you read minds too?
How is it, to live inside someone else's dreams?
He knew all his Daddy told was lies
to slap on the hurt and lead to future demise
all covered up by a well liked disguise.
Tell me, is living in anothers dreams, like walking a mile in their shoes?
Or sitting alone on a Saturday Night at a table meant for two?
A man never got to the moon by looking at the past.
A man never learned to swim by surveying the bottom.
But as we all jumped in with our hair growing thin
all we knew was bottom and our time is going fast.
In someone else's dreams.
Sitting in a stationwagon,
waiting for the sun.
My hope and peace is dragging
because the sun, it never comes.
So the light we defile as we sit for a while
and fake a big smile because the dark is never fun.
We only want the sun.
Our lives have since begun.
Each day, each hour
deep as it sems,
you are living inside their dreams.
One man, one face
one word, one place
reminds me of their embrace.
I remember laughs and screams.
Sillohetts of what life means.
So lets leave things as they are right now.
"While everybodys happy and got what they want...
or everybodys got what they THINK they want..."
But if you could read minds
inside them you could see
your dreams.

Ride with the Wilderness

The doors close, the motor whimpers
and we begin to drive.
I cannot help but notice
the way you choose your adjectives---
or the fence of trees
that line the road
like a border, seperating us from the wilderness.
Us from the wilderness ?
I chuckle at the thought
because the wilderness has somehow crept
into our minds and mouths.
The once silent car now fills with harsh reality and
steel walls, now border the road
from what we have become.
For every mile that we drive forward
two miles are driven back
without you even realizing
this irony in my mind.

Two Years Old

I dont remember life without Karen
I only recall after.
Her in a high chair watching me
make cookies with our Mother
and fumbling with a teething ring
while I mixed the batter.

Who You Are

Before I left that night
I heard you chuckle to yourself about
the movie we had seen and my reaction to
the scary parts--
because I am so sensitive.

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